
I so agree with this! I was also committed when I was young, and am now terrified of having my autonomy taken away again. It makes me extremely careful with what I say about my feelings, even to my own wife or doctors. I also have had extensive conversations with my wife about things she should never consent to if

This is so recognizable to me. When I am in a severe depression, I often don't want to feel better, or don't think I should. My worst depressive periods often are triggered by an incident that would make anyone sad, like a bad breakup or (worst of all) the murder of my mother, and then spiral into a full mental

Except I think that's something else she misread. I don't think we were supposed to be upset because she was cremated. We were supposed to be upset because they burned the body without doing an autopsy or any forensics, making clear the government does not care about the murder of cult members, and making the phone

You should watch it again. it is amaturish on purpose, as it is trying to look like a 70s era documentary, but the shot composition and editing are phenomenal. This movie has defined so much of how horror films have been made ever since.

You're right! It is in fact more than ten times as cool as it sounds, because the Texas ranger is played by Dennis Hopper, who has two small chainsaws hanging in holsters from his belt. The scene where he buys the chainsaws and tries them out on the tree outside is amazing.

You have clearly proven your opinion is fully ignorable on this subject.

Neither did having genuine talent.

Also the works of this generation will ultimately cause the works of this generation to be dismissed.

It's hard for anyone to say anything about the film in question because it hasn't come out yet. The trailer just makes it clear that this IS a Wes Anderson movie, it DOES feature a hotel, and these people ARE in it. That's all we have to go on.

Maybe he doesn't like the song now, but at the time they released a full length promo cd of remixes of this song. That's a real thing that happened.

That analogy is backwards.

It definitely is underrated, as is Washing Machine, my personal favorite SY album.

2 is terrible. I remember seeing that in the theatres, and I couldn't believe it was really over. Isn't it like 80 minutes long? The jokes are more frequent and worse. The mutant villains are stupid and look terrible. The action is horrible. Casey Jones, the best thing about the first one, is gone, and THEN

I like it too, much better than the 2nd, which seems like it was filmed in a weekend, and is the absolute nadir of the series. I thought the 3rd one was the most like a straight adventure movie and actually had the best action. And yay for more Elias Koteas as Casey Jones! The third was definitely the most like the

To be fair, have you seen Brando in Last Tango? Baldwin will always be much sexier than that.

I'm still waiting. Two months for first doctor visit, where all he did was look at it for 30 seconds and decide I needed an MRI. 2 weeks for MRI appointment. 2 months for 2nd doctor visit so he can look at MRI and say, you need surgery. Still waiting for surgery to be scheduled. And yes, my insurance is actually

Who are the Av club commenters that downvote opinions they don't agree with? I thought this was a place for discussion. Reply with your counter argument, if you have one.

Don't let the rhetoric fool you. You have to wait in America too, even when you have private insurance, unless its an emergency. I need knee surgery right now, and I have to weight 2-3 months between each doctor visit because that's how far they are backed up, and I am lucky to have high quality corporate insurance.

"Two eggs fried hard. I know it's hard on the arteries. Just about as hard as I want those eggs."

At first I found that fact incredibly shocking but then I realized there really aren't a lot of big selling female groups. How do they rank on a list of female artists?