
I'm not trying to entice anyone. You watch what you like, I'll watch what I like. I'm just explaining that they are not trying to act naturally and failing, they are doing something else. No one watches wrestling (or soap operas, or action movies, or horror movies, or…) for the acting. I watch wrestling for the

It actually has its own highly stylized form of acting. They are not trying to act natural, they are trying to act like "Wrestling Superstars." It's like soap opera acting. You know how everyone now and then you discover some amazing Oscar winning actor or actress got their start on soap operas? If you go back and

But the physical stunts are so amazing. They are like the best stunt men in the world, do all their stunts in one take in front of a live audience, without safety equipment, and 85% of what they do is frigging improv. These days, they do have more wreslters who look like David Arquette. Although there are still

The people at the top of the card get a lot more money than the people in the middle. They also get more elaborate stories, and more time on screen and for their matches.

They did boo the Undertaker, but since he was a heel that was a good thing.

And they claim they did set a record, but I could swear some of the earlier Wresltemanias actually had higher numbers.

They (and I) were enjoying his smiling through the beating thing, but when it started to look like he might win the boos came back in force.

Rollins is the best old school cheating cowardly heel since Flair, and he knows how to play the role perfectly. The only downside is that he can actually do any wrestling move in the world, but rarely shows that anymore because of his character.

It was all Brock last night (although the Mike scene was great).

What role do you think he is currently filling? Guy that lets the production team show of their latest special effects? I hate to break it to you, but zero of the wrestling fans I know are still into Bray. I was really into him, briefly, but find him boring now. He's all talk, and none of the talk actually means

No, it's not he lost one match so he's done. This is a repeating pattern that makes him weaker each time. He spends months talking up a match, then loses it. And his promos, which are definitely his strongest suit, just go around in circles and get weaker and less interesting every time.

Also, if I remember correctly, they weren't playing musical chairs to stay on the ship, they were fighting to stay locked in a trailer, as they had been for months, and not be forced to leave the church that had, you know, locked them in a trailer for months.

I actually feel like Roman still may win. If they signed this late and were going to have Lesnar retain, why in the world wouldn't they have kept it secret for one week and blown everyone's minds? I feel like now everyone will expect him to retain and they can shock everyone by still sticking with Roman. I hope I'm

Great review again. I'm so excited that you're doing WrestleMania. I actually really enjoyed this Raw (the first I can say that about in a long time) until that horrible ending. I liked a lot of the matches and actually found the silly stuff funny. But when you realize this is the go home show to Mania it's crazy.

STILL no Undercover song list?

Yes to Richard Buckner! Every record is amazing.

That's so weird because I love both of their names, in the Dandy's case much more than I like their bands. I want to have a southern rock band called George Jefferson Davis. The Dandy's weren't one of the 6 bands either. Anton hijacked the doc and convinced her it should all be about the BJM, then turned the

No it was more like pedo dad got busted with child porn and then crazy witchhunt cops and an uneducated therapist, neither of whom had any understanding of how to interview children, pressed insanely implausible stories into childs brains. The dad was a pedo but it's pretty clear that nothing actually happened in the

She wasn't his wife. The guy had a brief affair with an unbalanced woman. When he tries to end it she murdered him and fled to her native Canada. Then later she discovered she was pregnant with his child, which she used to exploit the criminal justice system and the guy's amazing parents, who were forced to deal

Those opinions mostly come from Mitchell, who seems to after the fact regret that he was obviously trying to purposefully play a villain in the movie.