
i agree with you that it was a solid episode. i really enjoyed it!

just wanted to say i agree completely. it feels a bit weird coming here and seeing the same kind of review again and again on every episode.

as soon as conlin headed back to his car after his visit to area 51 i knew he was a goner. :( it's a shame because he brought some zest to this season in his interactions with carrie and his general mistrust of everyone. this season is so damn GRIM. like i'm really enjoying it, especially the last couple of episodes.

i think he was just bluffing to try and get Sekou's sister to talk. can't trust them!

that's what i was thinking too. plus there were all those stories of Homeland doing a story involving the alt-right, so it could be something like that too maybe.

Seconding REC (the original Spanish movie) and Unfriended.
I also personally really enjoyed The Last Exorcism and think it works well as a found footage movie.
As Above, So Below is also really great imo - it has a good pace.
Paranormal Activity (I) is my favourite though, after The Blair Witch Project.

Unfriended was a surprisingly enjoyable and effective movie. i liked every minute of it!

wish they had used the corner at the end of the Blair Witch Project. i will go to my grave claiming that is the best horror movie of all time tbh.

the best season of the best show probably ever tbh!
my life will feel so empty three years from now when it finishes. :[

but he does has a well documented history of substance abuse as well as violence. he was in an altercation with bodyguards just the other day. then there's all the times he's been arrested for brawling, all the stories of him throwing shit around and breaking stuff in drunken/coked up rages in hotel rooms back in the

really nice ending to a really good season :] "fruit on the bottom" is exactly right hahaha

I'm not sure honestly, but it did feel very 60s I agree! A few people a little further down mention some specific references from 1960s cinema if you're interested. :)

Lmao yessss I'm rooting for those two to pull through ok

i loved that Hannah's story wasn't ruined because she had her notes taken away :')
the promo for that episode made it seem like a default comedy thing but it was so much better and so much more in the actual ep

also elijah broke my heart - he is such a great part of this story.

lena was so impressive!!

lovely review! this season knocked me out tbh. i'm a little bit speechless. both these final episodes were perfect (except for marnie and ray……….)

yessss i was so impressed with the actor in that scene good grief

this was a lovely comment and im glad i read it.

loved this finale! (except for bobby's ridiculous dialogue ~*~*~*~i leave nagasaki behind~*~*~*).