
ye they were photos i assumed he took so he could put thing back exactly as they were. :] the orange scarf thingy on martha's couch etc

that fake argument really made my night tbh. this show should bring in more lighter moments like that! haven't finished the episode yet, but it's nice to get a slight lift out of the constant Seriousness.

holy crap never realised dollar bill is pastor tim! should have known by the shifty look in his slimy eyes.

because i guess what did it accomplish in terms of Sansa's storyline? or in terms of anything really?

omg i agree that would be the worst thing that could happen at the end of this show :(

he was super hot in this ep ia.

Yeah exactly :( I was a bit surprised to see comments in other places along the lines of Charlie being a completely different character in this ep. To me, like for you, it just felt really believable, authentic and sad.

This was probably the best girls episode? I can't remember another completely genuine moment of self recognition like this apart from Hannah's reaction when she decides not to get back with Adam.

i've just realised that bevers hasn't been around at all and that's probably why i'm enjoying this season so much more

ugh these last two seasons have been so so good!

ye i wasn't quite sure if that was a jokey comment or if i just don't know how to read fictional children lol

The cast is so good ia!

No idea what Conrad Hilton thought or felt, just what I'd feel if I were Bobby. But I also understood that Bobby came from a much tougher background no? That's what makes it easier for me to identify more with this rich asshole, than some other rich assholes.

Really enjoyed this episode! It had a good flow start to finish. That close-up on Bobby's face at the end was so perfect.

what did that comment say if you don't mind me asking?

and i've been looking forward to this review all week! something about this show just pulls me in, but i do agree with: "But for all there is to like about “The Good Life,” it still doesn’t quite hit its mark because the central story is ultimately hollow," only in terms of the show as a whole, rather than just this

i've never seen citizen kane :(

Thanks very much for explaining so clearly!

ia, the cast is really great! i don't think anyone (except the psycho fired broker and tonight's opening act for metallica) has been a weak spot in terms of acting.

despite the exposition, i still didn't fully understand what was going on with the stocks, and i don't think i'll ever understand enough to make me care. but somehow despite this, i'm finding this show pretty riveting. it's making me care enough about what happens to both characters.