
I can understand being annoyed that Brody was already in the Pentagon in that moment, I can also understand wondering whether or not you'd be able to text in that moment. Brody being in on that meeting makes sense though. A) He was a prisoner of Abu Nazir for years, of course they would think of him and B) The vice

Morris was never really making issue films so much as interesting non-fiction narratives, so it isn't really as important.

Morris was never really making issue films so much as interesting non-fiction narratives, so it isn't really as important.

That is not a good enough defense.

That is not a good enough defense.

47. Starship Troopers
44. Metropolitan
43. Terminator 2: Judgement Day
40. Trainspotting
39. The Blair Witch Project
38. Fast, Cheap, and Out of Control
37. Glengarry Glen Ross
34. Seven
33. The Matrix
32. Close-Up
31. Paradise Lost
28. Election
25. Fight Club
24. Crumb
21. Fargo
18. Schindler’s List
16. The Big Lebowski
15. Groundhog

47. Starship Troopers
44. Metropolitan
43. Terminator 2: Judgement Day
40. Trainspotting
39. The Blair Witch Project
38. Fast, Cheap, and Out of Control
37. Glengarry Glen Ross
34. Seven
33. The Matrix
32. Close-Up
31. Paradise Lost
28. Election
25. Fight Club
24. Crumb
21. Fargo
18. Schindler’s List
16. The Big Lebowski
15. Groundhog

I didn't particularly enjoy the movie, especially the overwrought (and yet overly simple) symbolism of it all, but I thought Corddry, Burrell, and Greene all did well with what they had.

I didn't particularly enjoy the movie, especially the overwrought (and yet overly simple) symbolism of it all, but I thought Corddry, Burrell, and Greene all did well with what they had.

I was really hoping Teti would mention the judges endless waving at the babies while continuing to shit talk the outfits. So funny.

I was really hoping Teti would mention the judges endless waving at the babies while continuing to shit talk the outfits. So funny.

The mom dresses existed mostly because the babies couldn't do the runway alone and it would be weird to send the moms down in their regular mom clothes but even weirder to give them all non-descript jumpsuits.

The mom dresses existed mostly because the babies couldn't do the runway alone and it would be weird to send the moms down in their regular mom clothes but even weirder to give them all non-descript jumpsuits.

I feel like I've been waiting forever for this movie. Love everyone involved and love the source material.

I feel like I've been waiting forever for this movie. Love everyone involved and love the source material.

I was expecting a D. Between the ridiculous music they played every time Christine did anything and the way the judges built up the celebrities that ate Graham's food I thought my eyes might roll all the way into the back of my head. They couldn't even find food-relevant celebrities? What is Gordon's favorite dish at

I was expecting a D. Between the ridiculous music they played every time Christine did anything and the way the judges built up the celebrities that ate Graham's food I thought my eyes might roll all the way into the back of my head. They couldn't even find food-relevant celebrities? What is Gordon's favorite dish at

In the last episode Charlie more or less calls him "The Ratings Guy" at which point Jane Fonda reminds him that he is the president of the company and will have her job when she is gone. And then Charlie cracks wise some more.

In the last episode Charlie more or less calls him "The Ratings Guy" at which point Jane Fonda reminds him that he is the president of the company and will have her job when she is gone. And then Charlie cracks wise some more.

I tried a month or so ago and still haven't watched anything after the pilot. It felt so manufactured. I'm sure I'll get to it eventually.