
I was hoping the payoff would be Clyde freaking out and unable to go through with it and her having had something different planned the whole time.

Do you think he's a technical virgin?

Life & Times of Tim airs on Fridays, not Sundays. But there is an episode on Monday for whatever reason.

I've really been loving his podcast. Especially the ones with people who are so clearly his friends and are clearly so endearingly annoyed by him (eg. Chelsea Peretti and Nick Kroll).
Good stuff.

I liked this episode for the breather it was. A lot of it didn't make any real sense but it didn't really need to. It was fun. Sure, they could have scaled back the ham in a few places (Most of Baker Hall's dialogue) but overall I was just glad to have the show make me laugh out loud. It hasn't done that in a while.

First I should say that obviously I don't know either of these people and am just going off of this and other interviews I've read.

Keane is a really fantastic film. His character's daughter was abducted a while before the film takes place and the film is him working through it with this other little girl his daughter's age that he meets in a hotel (the little girl is played by Abigail Breslin, pre-Little Miss Sunshine). To top it all off, he's a

I definitely wish they had at least alluded to some of the more literal problems for designing for a muppet. For example, when Joanna asks Gordana what will elevate her dress she says something about the way it will show off her legs. The appropriate mentor response to that is "Miss Piggy is rarely shown from the

Yeah, if it wasn't clear that was what I was praising, not what I didn't like. So great.

I was with the You Go (Yugo?) sketch all the way until the very end (You Tow). It felt more like an SNL ending, where they're apt to go a little overboard in the last seconds.

You're very, very late.

I don't mean publicly, I can understand why he wouldn't do that. It just sounded like even most of his friends were unaware (I believe at one point he said something along the lines of "We don't talk about it but a few friends have figured it out). That combined with his seeming inability to even say the word gay

"Even if I just think of him as "that gay guy", it would be better than " that terrible Robin Williams doppelganger made out of shit and failure" Right?"

Wasn't it there three month anniversary? I'm pretty sure Liz told Jack they had already been living together for a month. That was the only thing that threw me was the amount of time that had apparently elapsed between the premiere and now.

"We don’t make our twin-ness the center of our comedy."

"Guys. I think I might be addicted to Vicodin."

I really enjoyed this episode. I'm really enjoying Alex's new role as the butt of the joke. Not only does Cuthbert play it well but it leaves Max and Penny better material.

"It's times like this I'm thankful my wife is barren."

I own a time machine!

The all-time greatest breev is re-ack.