
Hey cool guy, let's get some… pizza.

Jon He Does It > Street Stretch

Ah! I need to unsubscribe from these I think.

Exactly. I think being 10 years older than someone is a perfectly suitable age difference to jokingly pull out the mom voice.

It doesn't sound like you do disagree with the review. Handlen didn't dislike any of the things you said you enjoyed (he praised most of them).

I recognized him immediately from the episode of Party Down that he did. And I've seen the first season of Veronica Mars!

Love these films. Watching the second one reminded me a lot of the Michael Apted Seven Up films but with a much more disturbing bent. Excited to see the third.

I thought starting with We Can Pickle That was a poor choice as it made me start out worrying the whole episode would just be a repeat of the hits from season one.

Agreed. The three best parts of the episode were totally underplayed Armisen moments and I'm glad they were all pointed out in the review.

That's his second best line, in my opinion. His best is "Well, I don't want to blame 9/11…"

Oh god. Why did he have to stare into my eyes.

Because they're films worth talking about.

Re: Your below comment about the show being preachy based on that torture scene

I get the sense that he does that with most episodes, this one I just know about because he mentioned "just talking to Donald Glover" on another episode a while back.

Totally. I'm not complaining, just feel like she has been everywhere.

Judging him for his actions is fine. It's deserved. Feeling the need to shout about it every time his name comes up anywhere as if there's a person on the planet unaware of it is what's annoying.

Exactly. And to peel things apart even more, in the original episode Charlie was trying to be a law expert and show off to the gang and the lawyer. Bird law was a part of it. He has also pretended to be an expert of copyright and real estate law. He wouldn't say he specializes in bird law. On its own that doesn't bug

It's a bit inconsistent. Not even from episode to episode but within each one. The show is as good as his given tangent. At least that is the impression I get from the few episodes I've listened to whole.

So, is there any easy explanation as to why Sarah Silverman has been on every podcast I listen to in the last month?

Somehow when they said Paul would be back before the end of the show it didn't occur to me they just meant for plugs. I was hoping to get a little bit more non-Cake Boss as I think Tompkins is just as interesting a guest as his characters.