Good to have you on the team IK; hope shit's working out in your world.
Good to have you on the team IK; hope shit's working out in your world.
Yep, I am a big believer that it is not anyone's responsibility to deal with their significant other's deep-seated emotional issues: and only once the SO deals with their problems and learns to love themselves can they possibly love someone else they way that person deserves.
The obvious answer is to get dermals in my false arm (although for some reason my BCG still hurts after at least forty years).
Trust me, it's either feast or famine: and it was a dry ol' Summer round our way…
Yeah, this: as far as my feelings towards her, I felt I had to acknowledge them but she is living her life hundreds of miles away. As far as guilt-free no-strings-attached sex I am currently well-served in that department, and am way more concerned for her as just a lovely person with this impending shitcloud hanging…
I got a reply from SavageColumnbot5000!
With apologies: I in no way meant to infer such a thing. This guy seems into polyamory/casual hook-ups regarding men, and monogamy when it comes to his girlfriend: is that a recognisable pattern? I'm kind of flying blind here, so again I am sorry if my language is a little clumsy regarding this whole situation.
Good Evening Ladies and Germs,
Is your sister… A single lady?
(I am also English, but thanks)
Troll vs. "Guy Who Doesn't Get it" Guy: unfortunately there are very earnest articles on the internet about Quinn's homophobic and white power (?) "rants". That his entire Twitter feed is a gentle comic performance art piece should be obvious to anyone, other than humorless desperate-to-be-offended self-appointed…
Damn, that thing looks like an organic version of Jabba's Palace; fitting, considering one of my favorite quotes regarding the man:
In order for this column to work at all, the song in question has to have been somewhat popular: otherwise it's just ragging on a piece of audio that no-one else has ever heard, and how would a readership for the article be able to connect with that? It is of course possible for an unknown song to be a person'e…
Colin Quinn wins Twitter, daily.
And if the "machine surrounded by living tissue" can make the jump through time, before Kyle Reese went through the portal why didn't he just shove a ray-gun up his butt to kill the Terminator with on the other side?
When Dan was on the Joe Rogan podcast a few months ago, he did say that when his column was print-only - i.e. pre-internet - that two-thirds of the questions he got were 'definition' queries. Nowadays, if someone wants to know what a butt-plug is or does, they can just go to the 'butt-plug' page on Wikipedia.
He is Locutus of Borg.
Ah goddammit: that movie should have been two solid hours of Bryan Cranston emoting in an epic fashion over footage of giant radioactive monsters smashing up shit. It may have made no sense, but it would have spared us the interminable Kickass-with-a-crewcut and his dull dull family inevitably surviving again.
Without wanting to sound rude or ungrateful to those who gave the AV Club so much insight and entertainment in previous years, on a list of stuff I miss from the pre-Dissolve AV Club I can't say that ex-contributors riffing on old movies would really feature (The New Cult Canon was a good read, but nothing I…