dig doug

The only other time there was a stolen vote advantage was in Survivor Second Chances. Fishbach used the advantage to steal Joe's vote and cast it against him. Fishbach ends up going home (the "I'm going to marinate in this moment" vote)

I think a little too much is made of how the extra vote advantage is "wasted" or "cursed." The scenario where it becomes the deciding factor in changing the outcome of TC is insanely specific, especially with this iteration of the advantage as opposed to the vote steal version from Second Chances. Debbie played it

I'm willing to sign up for a new streaming service solely on the basis of them carrying Bob's Burgers

Nothing. What's a-motto with you?

Dan had it in Worlds Apart. Fishbach had a vote steal in Second Chances. Did not work out well for either.

I was surprised Michaela played it as cool as she did at tribal council too. Considering how opposed she was to being the decoy boot in the first week, and how she herself claims one of her weaknesses is not being able to hide what she's feeling, I kept expecting her to get worried by Sandra's acting ad have a "stick

I'm still waiting to see how shields work in the Abramsverse. Every hit seems to lead to a hole being ripped into the hull and various redshirts being sucked out into space. I miss the safe little energy cocoon of TNG.

I assumed that was a callback to the the last Captain America movie, where she revealed that she had been shot by the Winter Soldier on a previous mission.

Season 32- Survivor: Fear of the Ocean

Shirin is the Luna Lovegood of Survivor: not malicious or ill-intentioned, but nutty and non-self-aware enough to drive most people around her crazy. I suspect that a lot of the fans who voted them in are going to have some serious buyer's remorse this season about her and Spencer. They both benefited from being the

Ciera, Woo, Kass, Savage

Sorry, wasn't sure if this league and the purple rock podcast league were one in the same.

Can I get Rodney, Joe, Will and Kelly?

I'm beginning to regret choosing Drew over Missy as my "throw a dart at a random name" pick. Isn't throwing a challenge that directly leads to you getting voted out at the subsequent tribal council worth six points or something?

Let me get Keith, Jon Misch, Kelley,and Drew

We're all agreed, Wes is a chubbier Steve Holt!, yes?

I feel like constantly being on the bottom was the best thing that could have happened to Spencer. (Phrasing?) It seems like he's been putting his personality in check in order to try and win people over and survive another week, and still we get flashes of douchiness. If he were in a secure position of power I

Please make this happen. Here is all my money.

You and me both.

Bawk bawk.