dig doug

Something that I feel is often overlooked is that Malcolm's double idol play wasn't simply a way to get three more days in the game. He revealed during tribal council that not only did they have the immunity necklace but the two hidden immunity idols, which they would use to get Philip voted out. The hope was not to

(Just celebrating my jumping from the mid-20s to high teens, not naming my favorite player of the season.)

This whole "Patton Oswalt unloads on somebody who slighted him, wins the internet" routine gets less and less charming every time it happens.

@avclub-ff14e5ee37528d960a1d1bbb4df6f6af:disqus Purple Rock of Doom (or Death). If there's still a tie after the revote, contestants must draw stones from a bag. The player who draws the purple stone gets sent home.

Penner pointed out on twitter that the problem with Redemption Island (or at least one of them) is that it makes the episodes begin at the end and end in the middle.  I wonder if they were to rearrange the format of the episodes so that tribal came at the 2/3rds mark and the RI duel happened at the end, if that would

Slow down, buddy.  This is the A.V. Club.  We don't understand sports analogies.

What I loved about that shot was that it was just a random cutaway to the three guys because Brenda was talking about them.  Did the show not have any other shot of the Three Amigos that didn't require having to blur out Eddie's pubes?

I felt bad for Malcolm losing the $100,000 vote as well. I wonder if the results would have been different if people knew he wasn't going to make it to the final tribal council.  I ended up texting a vote for Denise because I liked them both but guessed that she was the one who would be voted out early, and I wonder

I felt bad for Malcolm losing the $100,000 vote as well. I wonder if the results would have been different if people knew he wasn't going to make it to the final tribal council.  I ended up texting a vote for Denise because I liked them both but guessed that she was the one who would be voted out early, and I wonder

Gloria's line of "I'm turning food into a human" or words to that effect was the most hilarious description of pregnancy I've heard on TV.

Gloria's line of "I'm turning food into a human" or words to that effect was the most hilarious description of pregnancy I've heard on TV.

Yeah, but the Subway cup on the Sugar Rush machine that the nerdy girl put her quarter next to was pretty blatant.

Yeah, but the Subway cup on the Sugar Rush machine that the nerdy girl put her quarter next to was pretty blatant.

Kept waiting for the episode to go full "Amok Time" with a Butters vs. Kenny showdown, but sadly they didn't follow through.

Kept waiting for the episode to go full "Amok Time" with a Butters vs. Kenny showdown, but sadly they didn't follow through.

The prequels would have been worth it just to see Anakin and Padme dance the Charleston.

The prequels would have been worth it just to see Anakin and Padme dance the Charleston.

Loved the static one-shot introduction of Nathan with Tina, especially the way he cringed every time she mentioned being backstage with Pam.  I love how every character on this show seems like an animated muppet.

Loved the static one-shot introduction of Nathan with Tina, especially the way he cringed every time she mentioned being backstage with Pam.  I love how every character on this show seems like an animated muppet.

The titular song from That Thing You Do fulfilled its purpose pretty well.  They actually managed to write a catchy little pop song that you didn't mind hearing several times throughout the movie.  I remember Roger Ebert arguing that it should have won the Oscar for best song that year because it actually served a