
He's seen fire and he's seen rain, but he never brought the sexyback - just ask Carly Simon.

I look forward to seeing this on the "Clippos Magnificos" segment of "The Soup".

Ironside raises arms, looks up to the sky: "NOOOOOOOOO!"
<-Roll credits->

Book 'em Danno…

"Coming up next on Up Late With Alec Baldwin, we see who's daughter is a rude thoughtless pig…plus, sports!"

Yeah, but your rebound chick was Amanda Bynes so, advantage Timberlake.

So Nerdist #411 confirms it: Lars Ulrich is the worst thing about Metallica.

If this comes out in May, I'll be sure to see it on Mummy's Day.


Sadly, this is the most concrete evidence that there really IS a War on Christmas.

The first episode is about the detectives pursuit of a cereal killer.

Or the lame-os?

To be as boring as my critic - dare to dream.

As necessary as you pointing that out.

He must have realized that he'd be broke if he only wrote for fanboys and girls still clinging by their fingernails to the stuff he did 10 years.

"This meth, it's gonna be legend … wait for it …."

Anyone want to bet this Boba Fett movie talk is just a backdoor way to make another Firefly that only the Browncoats are asking for?

That's where one can marry their attractive cousins.

Then you will finally have your revenge for being picked last for team sports growing up…