
The Godiva ad was still Chevalier Blanc, from season 5's The Other Woman

I was thinking about that the entire scene

The waitress looked absolutely nothing like Rachel or Midge

Midge was seen in the second scene of the pilot, and Rachel was introduced a few scenes later, so yes, Midge was his first mistress in the show and Rachel was the first one we got to see him seduce



I don't believe the marketplace should be government regulated and I don't believe government force is the correct way to eliminate intolerance

Property rights and free will > demanding service


Is my skin color not dark enough to contribute to this conversation?

I do have problems with the law, its focus on religion being the big one.

I would consider nonconsensual, forced labor to be slavery, paid or unpaid

I think that if you really want progress you should take race or gender or any superficial quality out of the equation

I think it's more like is the right to property more important than the "right" to demand service from others

I'm a staunch libertarian and I guess we're just not going to see eye to eye on this

The hiring process is subjective and should really be left up to the business owner and no one else
Who do you mean by "they"? The government? The state shouldn't assign people jobs and tell businesses who they have to hire, let business owners make their own decisions and let them face the consequences of their hiring

Everything you have said has led me to believe you don't believe in personal liberty

Why would a business owner not have any freedom when it comes to their own damn business?

You can not like something and not want it to be illegal

It's there fucking business