
Forced labor is still forced labor and I see something wrong with the government shutting down a privately owned business because they refuse to serve some select consumers

So your company has the right to choose who to employ but not the right to choose who to serve?

The government shouldn't be forcing someone to do their job well

By telling them if they don't bake a fucking cake they'll be shut down that is forcing them to bake a cake

It's not just you

Getting the government to force others to non-consentually provide labor to someone else is slavery

Ron's a libertarian

It was a wild, thoroughly entertaining and absolutely hilarious masterpiece. The acting was excellent, the script was great and Scorsese's direction along with Shoonmaker's editing was simply amazing, his best film since Goodfellas. It was a satire of excess and a brilliant comedy.

But Wolf of Wall Street was REALLY amazing

I really liked this episode, a nice break from all the spy stuff which was kind of getting overwhelming

God Lana's a giant fucking bitch

Whaaaat B-

They're still absolutely terrible dumb fluff and just because they're not aspiring to be masterpieces doesn't automatically make them better films than Interstellar and Foxcatcher.

What's with absolute shit like Mordecai and that Jennifer Lopez movie are getting higher scores than Interstellar and Foxcatcher and movies that aren't all that amazing but a fuck of a lot better than these shit movies

Is that how she speaks?

This was a good episode

I thought Hate the Sport was supposed to be a terrible song

"This is the Ballad of Cliven Bundy"

You son of a bitch

If there's any single book to warrant four films it's this one