
If they gave The Dark Knights Rises an A- then this must be the worst film ever made

There hasn't been such a straightforward libertarian episode in a while, and I thought it was at least a lot better than a C+

Why wouldn't they just freakin stay at Jay and Gloria's house they're rich they have guest rooms

The Emmy's used to love Mad Men, they've completely shunned it the last three seasons

Thank you

I guess I'm the only one happy about Married about Married being renewed. One of my favorite new shows of the year

I thought it was a great premiere, and one of flat out funniest episodes

What a terrible, cringe-worthy, awful episode.

I was ready to love Man of Science, Man of Faith, but that final moment was so fucking cheesy the episode felt like a letdown for me.

I thought this was the best episode of the season, except for maybe Uncool or The Shower

Well, this saves the thirty seconds it takes to create a new account and delete it twenty minutes later

Everything's all jittery and weird

My Season Grade: A-

The Greater Good: B+

I actually thought this was one of the worst episodes so far, not quite as mediocre as the pilot, but not nearly as funny as the last three episodes

Halloween: A
Halloween II: B
Season of the Witch: D
Return: C
Revenge: D-
Curse: F

That fucking final scene, man

What's with all the B's, this show is damn funny

from A.A Dowd?

I've never understood the love for Numbers, it was a tad to cheesy even for Lost