
I don't care


It was fucking hilarious

No, Democrats may have lost because calling everyone a bigot who cares about actual substantial issues instead of SJW PC clutter is not a good method of winning people over.

*the increasingly absurd gender spectrum fad that in all likelyhood will die out in five years

It was a fucking hilarious joke. The best of the episode. I don't and have never liked Trump but I'm fine with the continuing outflow of liberal temper tantrums

I wonder how much more right the platform would have been if Sanders hadn't run

Or maybe they thought voting for an elitist establishment scandal-ridden warmongerer who wanted to raise taxes would not be voting in their best interest

Trump is not a conservative

The joke was hilarious and this snotty liberal tantrum is exactly why they lost the goddamn election.

Mad Men Season 4 all the way

I gave it an A

This is a fucking A episode


How the hell is this an A

The post credits scene with Ian and Lip and Frank was amazing and by far the best part of the episode, if not the season

I don't believe anyone should be forced to provide a good or service for anyone


If the "right to be free from discrimination" means forcing someone to give to or do something for someone without consent then it's not a right

Labeling libertarians and selfish and unconcerned when all they're trying to do is promote liberty and non-aggression is great as well