Magma Suit

But Weezer is only mentioned in Newswire items BECAUSE we hate them so, or rather because we used to love them so and now we hate them. Do you think every album art announcement for every band gets a mention? No. Only the ones who inspire righteous anger on the part of AV talkbackers.

I hope the ending is Javier Bardem kills Julia Roberts and wears her skin as a woman suit.

'Eat, Pray, Fuck'

Unless you're using to decide who to rape. That seemed pretty malicious.

Sasha Grey made pancakes! Shaped like penises! She's more than just a porn star! She has a sense of humor! She can act! Let's enjoy this delicious tequila!

I would rather just take two breasts or two thighs. I'd rather just get to second base than manhandle a bizarre halfwoman.

I've always wanted to make a Clue: Special Victims Unity board game. You have to discover who raped Mr. Boddy, in which room, and with what foreign object was he penetrated.

I'll always prefer her laughing maniacally from beyond the grave as the Third Reich fries. It takes a lot to get me off these days.

"Chinese Whispers"?
What is this, 19th-century Scotland? The game is called "Telephone" for chrissakes!

Kind HeartS and Coronets, I should say. I accept your cancerAIDS.

Nice Kind Heart and Coronets reference
Always appreciated!

Don needs to sleep with Ayn Rand. So let it be written, so let it be done.

Gimme ya finganails!!!

But only if Nic Cage plays Iron Fist.

Hey guys, remember Eurotrip?
That was a very underrated movie.

My absolute favorite was from last season when it had a clip of Kinsey yelling "Who ARE you people?" in genuine outrage and then it turned out it was in reaction to Moneypenny joking about shaving his beloved beard.

Didn't Paul write that in the Nixon/Kennedy episode in Season One?

Yeah but Zohan had the kumbaya soapboxing about the Arab-Israeli conflict and that has to count for something.

Mae Whitman

We'll always have Cloverfield.