Magma Suit

I'm a Troll man!
Dunuh nuh nuh nuh!

Let's just get this out of the way
Does he show his penis?

It has to follow the Alien Sequel Naming System
Taken Resurrection
Taken vs. Predator
Takens vs. Predator: Requiem

Taken 2 The Streets

I've totally whacked it to the Runner's World cover. For some reason the fact that she represents everything I hate in the world makes her all the hotter.

I want to be inside him.

Imagine how different Total Recall would be if Quaid was played by someone who actually resembled the sort of everyman who would want to take a Rekall memory implant vacation. It might make the "is Quaid a superspy or not?" angle that much more up in the air.

The other day, I was going down on my girlfriend, I said to her, "Jeez you got a big pussy. Jeez you got a big pussy." She said, "Why did you say that twice?" I said, "I didn't."

Is Apatow the late 2000's Farrelly Brothers?

"If you ever meet your double, you should kill him."

Once Ed Norton showed up as the cop I wanted to shoot myself. We get it, you loved the British Office!

My thoughts exactly, Rhesus.

Good Idea
I fully support Scott Tobias' plan to keep children away from Shrek at all costs.

I was wondering about that too.

For the first time in American theaters!
Please let this be an excuse to get it in theaters here. I don't care if it's in crappy fake 3-D.


Yeah but North & South had Swayze in it, so it can't be all bad.

That's a lich you're thinking of.