Magma Suit

Bellona, you are like the OPPOSITE of metal.

is just Aziz with airhorns. The delivery is exactly the same and I hate it. I like his material, but his delivery just makes him sound like a douche. I'm at the point where it seems like Tom Haverford is less of an insufferable douche than Aziz Ansari in real life.

He's South Asian.

I always picture Alan Greenspan when I have sex.

Shut the fuck up! Vera's a saint!

Frank Vincent?

Sounds crappy
Am I the only one who thinks that the only way this could be in any way original or, dare I say it, worthwhile would be if it WAS in fact a mean-spirited slap in the face of men and women in uniform and a giant political potshot?

Claire Van der Boom
I would stack a pile of dead Japs the size of Mt. Fuji for that girl.

Man, these all make Target Field sound downright appetizing.

No, the porn title is "How To Fuck Your Dragon".

I saw an advance screening of this movie and it was really funny! I'm going to tell all of Facebook friends and Twitter followers about it! Join the official fan page!

My God!
It's full of stars!

I hope he punches Hitler
'Nuff said.

"Any Way You Want It" of course left the option open for one of the ways being "No Coloreds".

Yeah, but Sarah's the good kind of racist.

Cuz I love feeling dirty / I love feeling cheap / I love it when your hurt me / So drive them staples deep

Yeah, that's just a GLARING oversight. Nabin's a fucking idiot!!!

We enjoy watching the trials and tribulations of insufferable jackasses because it's cathartic, it forgives us and tells us that our own insufferable jackassery doesn't prevent us from having worth as a human being.

A Proposal
Band Of Brothers is Sex And The City for men. Fuck Entourage.

It turns out Emile de Raven was Robert Pattinson the whole time.