Magma Suit

It's how I like 'em!

Let's just get this out of the way.

Liberals are influenced by a show that ended in 2004? Jeez, at least make a Modern Family reference.

Dude, South Asian is the new East Asian.

Why would the adaptation join a nunnery? I always assumed all the well-to-do gentry characters were protestant.

Heh heh…"Eva Green"…"comes"…heh heh.

God dammit
If I have to go to one more party and see some hipster break out a goddamn ukulele I'm going to punch a hole in the wall.

Tintin was created as fascist propaganda
Look it up.


They make a joke about it in Ed Wood. One review calls Dolores "horse-faced" or something similar, which is hilarious in retrospect.

"Showtime president David Niven"
That's how I read that at first.


It means "frightened and weak-willed".

She'll find no softness…
In THIS hard character!

Because Scotsmen call themselves Scotsmen. Good luck finding Chinese people who refer to themselves as chinamen.

Sean Connery can only do one accent, and it's not a Scottish accent. It's a Sean Connery accent.

And may I say that 'Hours…' is a totally underrated album.

Is Kevin Smith Movie the upcoming Friedberg/Seltzer film?

The jorts are what's REALLY unforgivable.

I'd hit it.