Magma Suit

I was 90% certain that Winters was going to blow Nixon in the final episode.

Ed Wood
Ed Wood holds the hell up. A lot of Burton's stuff sucks, but along with Pee-Wee's Big Adventure I think it still ranks up there as one of his great contributions to cinema history.

Spiderman, Spiderman, and Sons: Attorneys at Law!

Yeah but the 51% of women who are pro-life are 51% of women you wouldn't wanna fuck anyway.

What gets my goat…
…about this is that it inserts heavy issues into a conversation that basically boils down to "Men are from Mars, women are from Venus". Yes, wives and girlfriends are castrating bitches who keep guys from having fun and being manly. Yes, husbands and boyfriends are childish man-pigs who are

Axe and Chargers are primarily consumed by douchebags in the first place so I don't know why there's a hubub to begin with. Target marketing, people.

Is the girl dating a 12-year-old?

Any woman who doesn't is a BITCH.

Yeah, everyone should enjoy Rush!

I think it's funny how those camera commercials he does have him flirting with cute girls at parties and stuff while he's only famous nowadays for being married to Demi Moore, who in turn is only famous for being married to him. YOU'RE UNDERCUTTING YOUR OWN CELEBRITY, DUDE!

I got a Dead Kennedys vibe from it. Mainly because of the "Ronald Reagan is a fascist" thing.

"Eat a bag of dicks" isn't homophobic. It's just awesome.

Rent Italian Stallion to find out!

Shuh-shuh-shuh-show her face shuh-shuh-show her face

But what about Gareth?
I want the entire cast of the British Office to come back and have a weird bizzaro face-off like that one episode of Seinfeld.

Gary Oldman is at his best when he plays a fucking midget.

The kilt doesn't help either.

Am I the only one who noticed that the service used to conduct this poll is called "Poll Daddy". Hmmm…pretty close to "pole daddy", wouldn't you say?

"It's a regular African loooooove fest in here!"
That's why this makes me sad.

But what about the Prawns?
Where's their rugby movie?