
I have like, TWICE that much porn.

Who, you may recall, was Robert Bork!

Bulimia jokes are in bad taste, T-bone.

No, this was really a "hey, i can make a lot more money and do much less stressful work" sort of decision.

That's it! Stick it to those PC goons what with their "Lactose Intolerance"!

"U don't like my porn?" was mine.

REALLY? In front of my salad???

Yeah… One of my old college buddies… I mean, okay, he's not as bad. He still does some free clinic work because he's a decent human who's always volunteered… But he also gave up doing occuplastic surgery in a hospital to focus on doing eye lifts and botox for rich old women in his own practice.

I miss R.E.M. and also now David Cross and Michael Stipe look like they're turning into each other.

Produced by John Thomas Hyena

There's a lot of those in Manhattan. Not-totally-incompetent Doctors who discover that they can make a LOT more money just using their Rx pad to give rich people whatever drugs they want, and tell them whatever they want, and occasionally testify in court/write medical opinions for legal use!

Trump already has a weak shaft!

Oooh! I do those things!

See, I'm thinking of the term "Latin Lover"

Ah! Gotcha — so you could not say "That Latin over there", you would have to say either "That Latin man over there" or "That Latina/o/x over there"?

Wasn't… "Latin" the non-gendered term we already had for people of that ethnicity?

And all I can think of is, "wait, isn't that what the russians thought about allying with the nazis?"

No, you really should. How is someone that fucking dumb teaching college? I mean, he knows that if you have business interests, you almost always want to fucking hedge your bets, because you're "paying" for access?

Yeah, I mean… Right now I'm struggling with the care of my father after three hospitalizations. Not sure how much of his mind is going to come back. It's not dementia, but significant impairment. And it's the… The degrading of the language that's most noticeable a symptom.

Oh fuck, I have to catch up on "The Handmaid's Tale" now don't i?