
Well, no fucking DUH. I mean, we're barely a blink of an eye biologically away from being a tiny fucking population of barely 100 mating pairs. We've also been traveling all over the place pretty much as soon as we figured out how to float, or make clothes and shelter. We've been intermingling, invading, migrating,

I agree with you. I'm not, say, itching for a fight (let alone a civil war!)… But I guess I'm… Well, I'm not gonna stop someone from decking a nazi motherfucker. I'm not gonna encourage it, and I'm gonna plan on peaceful protest, but… I'm not gonna STOP it.

The part about Letterman being as bad as Fallon was.

Yes — but the last time Trump was on, and he had been pushing his birther nonsense and nationalist "gyna is stealing our jobs" shit, Letterman really didn't let up… And Trump refused to ever come back. Demanded an apology from Dave, actually — and Dave, to his credit, refused.

Well if you ask them, they tend to say that the cheerleader needs to sleep with them, they need to get more money and a sweet ride, and STOP LOOKING UNDER MY MATTRESS MOM!

We can do two things!

I just gotta say… I'm a sentimentalist. I'm proud of a lot that my ancestors did, even some I never had the privilege to meet.


Sweet Jesus, fuck this asshole!

Holy fuck, my dreams came true!

No, no… His other mouth.

Goddammit, friends, I'm fucking as many guys as I can, but I'm getting tired! Have I fucked the right one yet?

Don't fool yourself about non-violence. Even Gandhi admitted such would never work against Nazis… Because Nazis have no sense of shame, and they don't believe in humanity. They believe they are monsters empowered to enslave and destroy the wild beasts that are all other races and ideologies.

Well, the look he was giving during that mess of a press conference definitely screamed, "No sir, he is NOT getting a second scoop tonight. I'm drawing a line."

They need to get the fuck off that storyline NOW. Like, just drop it. Just pull a fucking "Newhart" at this point.

Oh that's such horseshit. When Letterman was playing around with Trump, he wasn't a fucking existential threat to our democracy.

Not even joking, that was my nickname on college debate.

If you consider his letter to Hitler "sympathetic", I'd, uh… be interested in your reasoning.

The sickest thing though isn't him — it's that about 20-25% of the country will simply refuse to believe he did anything wrong, or even COULD do anything wrong. If Trump is held to account, they will cling to any conspiracy or insane theory they can find to explain how it's not his fault, and he (and they) aren't

I'm gonna second the lady @MsMira:disqus (sir), here. Fucking Nazis deserve nothing from civil society, until they stop being fucking Nazis. An unemployed Nazi is just a Nazi who's gonna have a tougher time affording guns or renting a car to drive into protesters.