Oooh! Oooh! Is it too late to change my soda name?
Oooh! Oooh! Is it too late to change my soda name?
No, but The Young Pope drinks Cherry Coke Zero!
I started doing that BECAUSE of The Young Pope!
I don't think Goering into a pun thread is a good idea.
I really enjoyed the doc. Though what I liked most was watching Dre and Iovine IN their creative/dealmaking process, or listening to them talk about it. That combination of passion and skill is just intoxicating to watch.
Nope. I do not see your comment. I suppose you might say, I'm a comment not-see.
We do a lot to fight STDs (or at least we do in states that aren't fucking idiotic and avoid actual science) — we provide sex education, we provide free prophylactics, incentivize their availability, have public health clinics for testing and treatment… As for fitness, you know, we at least USED to have physical…
It's no fun having Mr. Self Destruction as president.
It's the sort of thing that makes him want to Burn.
Strongly disagree — you're talking about punk as a fashion, I'm talking about it as an ethos. It's much the same way you might talk about the beats or the fauves and what they represented. Punk as a fashion or a musical style might be no better than flies preseved in commercial amber, but punk as an ethos is still…
Yes, I've always been annoyed by the Government trying to tell me that dumping my waste straight into the river is somehow "wrong". I should be free to decide that myself! Along with everyone else! Especially large corporations!
Neither of those things are "obnoxious" — I'm talking about HOW you do something, not WHAT you're doing.
Um, because it DOES harm other people. Obesity and diabetes (to name just the two most severe and unquestionable problems they contribute to) are major public health problems which cost us a tremendous amount in everything from health care costs to lost economic activity.
Errr… "champion of the oligarchy"? Boy, talk about your hyperbole. More like "The willing to work with the developing oligarchy to give more opportunities and services to the masses, and also maybe protecting some of their fundamental civil rights, which maybe might be a good thing to take into consideration."
Aw man, and with their terrible corn-syrup based diet, they'll be in there for YEARS!
Right-Winger: "We don't know enough about the history of the climate and how much it's changed!"
It's not yet another attempt to ressurrect Futurama? I'm out.
Well that's just a fucking depressing reduction of it. Read some Patti Smith.
That's… not… it.
I think, what we have here, is a failure to comprehend a writer/speaker's intent, preferring to erect a strawman to do battle with.