
See what I did there?

Whoa. What. The. Fuck.

He's not a lawyer. He was disbarred. He's just an arbitration facilitator.

I see you read my blog.

I mean, I know some guys who would pretty deliberately try to stall and make sure they got to go last…

it ok

I… would have very much liked Ed Chambers to become an extended sub-plot. Even if it was just a formulaic "alter ego becomes successful" sort of thing, it'd be great to see just because Zach Woods.

Well the nice thing about LaFlamme is that he's not especially douchey/bro-y… He's actually very smart and competent and just happens to know everything a douche bro would be aware of.

Ed Chambers. He's not a Super Nintendo.

That was kind of ruined for me by how much I saw it in the promos for this season.


Well, here's the thing — if you agree that context and effect are important, how can you say that intent isn't part of the context?

I think we're mostly in agreement there - yes, it was wrong.

RE this and @pheeze:disqus's seconding, I think you're being overly simplistic. No one is saying intent alone matters, though you've chosen to take it that way. Saying intent doesn't matter, and all that matters is effect is equally absurd — because much of the "effect" when discussing speech is intangible.

Well, look, I mean, I have all this straw lying around, and…

Well, unfortunately, we definitely can't call them "Whitey whackers"….

< orson welles applause gif >

Um… That's not how daylight savings time works. During the winter we're in STANDARD time. Getting rid of DST would just mean that in the summer, it would get dark an hour earlier and the sun would wake you up an hour earlier in the morning.

Let's go piss in everyone's car!

Well, those are genetically engineered.