
Or Grandpa.

I'm partial to "JarHard".

Well, here's, just… Like, a theory… Maybe a writer for vulture got something wrong?

I'd probably go for the quizzical look, then pulling my hand back, and looking at it, sniffing it with a look of disgust, wiping the palm on my trousers, and quickly getting an aide to give me purel.

My grandparents are, sadly, all dead. Can your grandparents be my new grandparents?

Tie a tie? With those stubby little sausages he calls fingers? As if!

Man, Melania only WISHES he denied her his essence…

That is a lovely visual.

It's depressing how many people in the theater I saw it at (upstate NY) did not even get that joke.

Well, you and I clearly have different priorities!

Um, no, the issue is that these nutjobs are going "Oh! He was murdered by Hillary because he leaked to WikiLeaks! You know it's true because WL offered a reward for proof! Which hasn't been claimed, but why would they put it out there if it werent?"

Be fair, it already kind of looks like a candle that was left out in too-warm weather….

Longworth is right over the cafeteria, closest to the Metro, and has all those wonderfully overdone beaux arts flourishes.

*holding pack of frozen peas over eye*


How do we know he hasn't already?


From now on, whenever I see a hot guy in public I'm just calling him "Blood Boy".

I would absolutely love to be an extra on the show. How did he get on? Is he with Central Casting, or another agency?

Huh. What was the older version of "to have" and did it have one of those cool "f" looking things in it?