Ironic war criminal

Who says it was rape?

Wow i just listened to All My Friends after hearing people rave about it and it sounds like something Brandon Flowers would write after being kicked by a horse. 7 minutes of two chords and some sentimental platitudes about partying with your friends? what a genius!

Rollercoasters don't rely on violence and suffering to give people their jollies, you're going to have to try a bit harder to defend the sick little fetish that is the horror movie

probably the same percentage of the world's population that used to put firecrackers in cats mouths when they were little kids. This sanitized, fraudulent violence that so wets your whistle is an offensive facsimile of the real violence that so many around the world have to suffer.

we'll all miss your nauseating dad-synth-pop

Is masochism in our nature? Maybe yours, but i would hazzard that it comes more from a troubled childhood or broken psyche. Most normal people would rather be entertained or informed rather than filled with fear.

But seriously, what is the appeal in watching people in fear and suffering from violence?

@Pinkie Sports and soap operas may be shallow at times, and yet they showcase passion and humour and teamwork and romance, many of humankinds most admirable and unique traits.

Yes, anyone who isn't a misogynist reactionary is a "troll". Why don't you go beat your wife or something?

How juvenile
Sounds like patriarchal garbage that presumes a father has any right over the sexuality of this daughter. If people were less prudish and more mature, maybe they would realize that a teenage girl has her own agency and desires which her father would accept and thus avoid the completely unnecessary social

what actually differentiates this from kick-ass because it seems like exactly the same thing

horror movies are for simpletons
who have such base morals that their only way to explore the human condition is through and asinine experience of fictional people's fear.

God you guys are kiljoys
It's just a kids movie and they will enjoy it, you don't do yourselves any favours by criticizing something that isn't meant for you anyway.

More like Ellen Paging…..
Natalie Portman I have your lamer, less talented clone here

Gotta love people like Moviemike, so enamoured with their sleazy milquetoast president that they think the only opposition to his policies comes from crackpot conservatives rather than level headed individuals who are sick of him continuing his predecessors neo-conservative policies.

get a girlfriend

Oh boo hoo, maybe you can appeal to Spelling Bee man to come and defend your honour and fulfil your childish understanding of the administration of justice.

If your idea of "fun" is seeing fascile 2 dimensional ideals dress in spandex and BAM! and KAPOW! Faceless henchmen then you must be a hit with the ladies.

Lol, Batman and Superman?
What are you guys, like ten years old? Do you really need these little kiddie morality stories and wish fulfilment fantasies to entertain yourself?

Do people actually still listen to these miserable dirges
Why was everybody so depressed and mopey and listening to proto-Chad Krogers in the 90s. You fuckers had a good economy and global peace and spent your time listening to dilltantes like Vedder complain about fame and traipse around wearing doc martens.