
Exactly. That's like, if there was a combination KFC and Taco Bell a mile from my house and I'd go there all the time for a chicken bucket and maybe sometimes I'd get a chalupa, and then they decided to split the KFC off from the Taco Bell and move the Taco Bell a mile further from me. I'm not going to make the trip;

Well, whatever, my point is that if they're splitting DVD by mail and streaming into two separate services with two separate charges, I'm going to cancel streaming. In terms of selection and quality, it's the lesser service and if it's no longer easily manageable from my queue, I'm not going to bother with it. Not

Well, whatever, my point is that if they're splitting DVD by mail and streaming into two separate services with two separate charges, I'm going to cancel streaming. In terms of selection and quality, it's the lesser service and if it's no longer easily manageable from my queue, I'm not going to bother with it. Not

Jesus. You know what the weird thing is, I've never had a single complaint about netflix until this morning. Aside from all the rights battles and the price hike and stuff, I could count on it being solid, one-stop shopping for DVD by mail and streaming. And now they're stomping around in my cabbage patch. Not okay. I

"It wasn't just the implied freedom left-wing oppression of the show's title, but rather, the freedom from the centrist notions of political correctness, where people don't see race, the gender wars are a specific thing as opposed to a long struggle".

This jacket is tighter than dickskin.

Hey man it's a top ten, I can't put on episodes that I think are merely great. Otherwise I'd have Space Mutiny, Future War, all the Gameras, Agent for HARM, Laserblast, Zombie Nightmare, and, oh, you know, the rest of them. I guess you can call me out on Time Chasers; I legitimately think it's a top ten episode but

I think everyone likes the idea of Cake more than they actually like the band itself. If you think about it, they don't really have a lot going for them—jokey song premises, gimmicky vocals, a prominent trumpet (barf if not in a philly soul song), a Gloria Gaynor cover, and abjectly silly album titles. They don't take

Amazing. So glad this show is back.

this is where my tongue lives.

1. The Touch of Satan
2. The Final Sacrifice
3. Pod People
4. Time Chasers
5. Final Justice/Mitchell
7. Hobgoblins 
8. Diabolik
9. Werewolf ("Wahr-welf")
10. Soultaker


How do you tell if one is soon to be a hipster? Is his wife nearly done knitting a scarf for him or something?

I lived through a Puerto Rican day parade when I lived in Hoboken. Looooots of drumming, electric piano, and crazy hollering.

Someone forgot to put tweety bird on that shirt

Ah, the old "it made me rich, so fuck you anyways" defense. Always a winner

"Colombiana" sounds like something a stripper would name her kid.

Hey Ya.

do it. do it now.
I read this book when I was 16 and it changed my life. do it. you have $5, just do it.