
saw them last month in DC, they tore the club up. never seen an opening band get a response like that.

file under S
for Shit I'm Skipping

I can usually admit to being caught up in a moment
but both of these movies are pure, unadulterated win.

USA did
Silk Stalkings, no?

so, is there like
a formal process for joining this guy's cult of personality? or do you just kind of show up and hang around?

yep that's what i said!

yeah i'm worried about that


oh, and books.
Same deal. They take up half my room. I'd do better just to get rid of them, but I can't. I spent way too much time and money accumulating them.

my vhs tapes.
they're such an inconvenient and low-quality indulgence, and a massive waste of space at that, but i keep them around as a reminder of how much time I spent as a young, budding cinephile trolling video stores for rare items and curios. Plus, I have every episode of MST3K on tape. How cool is that?

i'm sick of this guy
he's sam kinison with a brain. get over it.

I can't take Tyra seriously in that costume.

"I am the bike guy, and I like a self-consciously hyperliterate woman who looks like extra in a crowd scene in a movie made in 1922, with a head shaped exactly like a guitar pick."

Sarah, it's your publicist.
Can you stop using the "fuck me eyes" publicity shot? Sorry, I don't mean to be a dick; that's just not how people think of you.

this review brought to you by
the new, medicated Seanbaby

Flash Screamer:
The Movie

Excellent series.
An interesting perspective on the music that I, for better or for worse, grew up having to listen to. Thanks Steve!

anyone with a trumpet, really. that's why everyone hated skacore.

No, I actually don't care about her book