I'm writing a book
It's called "I Don't Care About Your Book: What I've Learned From Flighty Painters, Scene Girls, Hipster-ettes, Indie Rock Leg Humpers, Attention Whores, Head Cases, and other Girls I Flatter Myself To Have Considered Dated".
I'm writing a book
It's called "I Don't Care About Your Book: What I've Learned From Flighty Painters, Scene Girls, Hipster-ettes, Indie Rock Leg Humpers, Attention Whores, Head Cases, and other Girls I Flatter Myself To Have Considered Dated".
this was actually pretty funny, considering how hard I try to avoid hearing absolutely anything that women who trumpet their histories of dating musicians, artists, criminals, and other inexplicably attractive losers have to say.
I'm just
asking questions.
5, 4, 1, 3, 2.
with due respect
to the OG guitar hero, I always thought of it as the grubby, cheap looking walmart alternative to Rock Band. The interface, the font, the title card and loading screens all looked like they were targeted towards clever mulletheads and late-20's losers who smoke a lot of pot and work in retail.
top ten album of the year so far. good god this is amazing.
this move was pitched as a "mumblecore docudrama that's basically chasing amy, backwards, with the internet instead of comic books".
this looks dismal.
someone just dissed on
jeff the cat.
learn yo alphabet, SON
This was a D episode (D for "dire) and the C-story was the most charming part of it.
and the "trying too hard" award goes to
these girls. give them a hand, folks.
just to clarify
that wasn't annabelle giving out HJs in the pine barrens. That was someone else. Annabelle was with that Harry guy for years squirrelign away money. The HJ girl (forget her name) was enw to town and had already been dating Baxter. Annabelle went to Baxter when he kicked HJ girl to the curb for not…
I know I won't be the first to point it out
and I'm not going to go through all the comments to avoid saying it twice, but i think you mean Samberg, not "Sandberg".
Another reason I didn't watch the show: butthurt-prone sycophants with no sense of humor, like the two dullards above. You guys bode well for the show and it's fan base, which seems to rival only those of Firefly in terms of sheer, desperate shrillness. You go ahead and watch your shows, and just I'll watch mine. If I…
I've said it before
and I'll say it one more time, this could have been the best show ever made and I wouldn't know because I'm not about to block out my very diminishing time on this earth watching a show with a puzzling title that appears, by all measures, to be about a couple of snarky, bro-ey surfer dudes and…
this show just doesn't seem like it's for me
FX rarely steers me wrong but this one seems like Joss Whedon for bros who play Madden. Maybe just a case of poor advertising, but I don't have time to just adopt every (maybe) good show that can't sell itself to me.