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    There are, as it turns out, people who are both obscure AND not indie-film types. I'm just glad to contribute to Stacy512's continuing education.

    Dissenting Opinion
    I don't know if anyone will ever see this, but I'm not in agreement on Alien3, which I think is a very fascinating look at religion and spirituality, in addition to being a strong example of the Christ allegory and a quite unique and paradoxical experience. I actually wrote an essay on the movie a

    Wired would be interesting—I'd love to see a defense of Sphere one of these days. I know all the reasons why it's disdained (Queen Latifah! Killer jellyfish! Peter Coyote!), but I remember thinking it a reasonably good genre exercise, albeit derivative of Solaris.

    I thought he was okay. I recall one Weekend Update sketch (with the dreaded Brad Hall) where he played a TV shrink or something and his "subject" was orgasms. He went through a series of flash cards that went through damn near every pun on orgasm imaginable, and then said something like, "If you're a woman and you've

    The Unit did get Avon put in prison twice, so it's not like they've never had a victory.

    Funny story about that outfit. I'm a software developer and one of my programming friends worked at EA for a while. Which, by the way, is a horrible idea. They have an industry-wide reputation for being a horrible place to work, incredibly long hours, etc. It's like a sweatshop. Anyway, this guy I knew was really

    I think all you "hipster douchebags" (whatever that means, I know it's an oft-applied epithet here) need to come to grips with a few simple facts:

    No, Identity was not fucking good. When the central twist from your movie is the same one that Donald Kaufman comes up with for "The 3" in Adaptation, that is not good sign.

    I'll buy the sentiment, so long as the author realizes that teenagers aren't the only age group that buys into formula over and over again. That's pretty much everyone at this point.

    buckley vs. vidal
    I believe that the two of them should star in a movie about the relationship between those two. Then Michael Bay/Chris Columbus/Dominic Sena could direct it. All the demons could finally be exorcised!

    The Passion of the Christ was a huge success, though. Nathan's bent the rules before, but reviewing The Passion would require a set of rules more bent than the characters in RENT.

    Really? I have heard shitloads of male sexual fantasies over the years, and more of them involved her ex brother-in-law Rob Lowe than Hillary Swank.

    My brother turned me onto this show, and I agree that it was strangely compelling. I do hate the obligatory "reunion" show at the end of the season, especially since it brought back Light of Doom. Are we really supposed to miss people we said goodbye to just four weeks ago? And does anyone really miss LoD anyway? They

    Yeah, Pol Pot was a bad example. Nevertheless, communism is explicitly based upon anti-religious theories, and Jews and Christians were mercilessly persecuted and imprisoned by the Nazis and the Soviets. Obviously. And to say that religion had nothing to do with these events is silly. Even to this day, the athiest

    I'm a Christian (though admittedly one of a liberal Unitarian bent) and I have to admit that he is right about how few Christians actually know anything about their faith. It is staggering.

    About right
    This is a pretty insightful recap of the special—the more I think about it, the more Cain seems to me to be a Bush-like figure. They both were way over their heads and weren't really talented leaders whose political connections were responsible for their careers. When they decided to take a disastrous

    I meant apostrophe instead of question mark. So I'm a dumbshit too. But a grammatically-correct one. And also one who doesn't just write stupid shit that's incorrect.

    Lactic Acid is right. It's, as in a contraction for "it is," does indeed have a question mark.

    red 7 rules!
    I loved their song at the end of the movie.

    I agree fully
    Adapting a book into a film is such a difficult task that I'm surprised anyone would bother. For every One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Next, there are literally dozens of movies like this one. And everyone always says that the book was better, even when that's obviously untrue (as in The Shining). People who