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    Weak third acts

    The only decent Sienna Miller performance
    Was in Layer Cake. She actually was kinda sexy in that one. Considered in the light of the rest of her career, though, one wonders how she keeps failing upward.

    Sort of like BSG syndrome. Man, that show sucked in its later seasons, but in between every cluster of episodes centering on religious mumbo jumbo (that never did get more than cursorily explained), Apollo-Starbuck melodrama, Adama having an "emotional moment" and Tigh yelling at Ellen there was one or two eps that

    Great underrated movie
    If you're even remotely interested in the film, check it out. It's actually a very politically aware film that touches on themes of patriotism and corruption and how they intersect. Plus, it's a hell of a suspenseful film, and Val Kilmer has never done finer acting work.

    Pretty much the same here
    The experience of watching this movie was sort of like watching This Is Spinal Tap: I found myself focused on identifying what the guys were ripping off. The movie is mostly Alien, with some Solaris, Armageddon and others mixed in. Visually, though, it's very innovative, and the sensory

    What Sean Penn really needs to do
    Sticking with the Three Stooges theme, is a Coleman Francis biopic. The world isn't ready for it, but what with the depression, death, and terrible movies, it seems tailor made for Penn's usual treatment.

    I think this complaint is absolutely on the money. For me, the lack of actual cylon danger in season three was enough to turn me off (though I've kept watching to see if Moore could pull off tying it all together).

    He totally stole the standing in front of a green screen thing from John McCain

    I think you have to take Part IV in spirit—it's pretty much a goofy comedy that shouldn't be analyzed to death. Since I saw it first when I was 8 I loved it, and still do. If I were to see it for the first time now, things would probably be different.

    Worf was brought on board DS9 not because of Avery Brooks per se, but because there was a desire to "shake things up" to compete with Voyager and other encroachers like Babylon 5. And it wound up working pretty well—the Worf years were clearly the show's best, though things began to pick up once the Defiant arrived.

    How'd it get burned?
    How'd it get burned? HOW'D IT GET BURNED, HOW'D IT GET BURNED???!!!

    I really liked Michael Clayton, but Tom Wilkinson was the weakest part of that movie. How he got an Oscar nod I don't know.

    All I know about Altered Beast is that Beavis and Butt-head sketch where they watch the video. "Why's he in the cage?" "He got locked up for sucking."

    My Sharona was Tarantino's original choice for the rape scene in Pulp Fiction. That would have been awesome.

    He also had some generally nonprofane appearances on The Larry Sanders Show. My favorite was the one where he babbled nonstop for the entire time he was on the show, without Larry getting a word in edgewise, and afterward Rip Torn tells Larry, "At least you had the good sense not to try to stop him!"

    Good list
    I'm a huge fan of Mission: Impossible and have been since my similarly obsessed parents had me watch them all. I will watch literally anything about confidence games, and I enjoyed how M:I regularly relied on creating false narratives in order to make people crack. Most shows usually don't do that, but I

    I'm a policeman. See my badge.

    I think trying to magnify BSG into high art is hard because it isn't—it's clearly high-toned pulp that, at times, rose above that (the Pegasus episodes, for example) but I don't think it works as art. Many reasons for this, but one overriding one: life isn't JUST struggle, sacrifice, hopelessness, etc. Even people who

    And more importantly, when do I get to see The World's Dumbest Criminals XXX?

    My high school friend Andrew saw The Sixth Sense in theaters, and as he was walking out he said, "Man, I can't believe Bruce Willis was dead the whole time!" very deliberately in front of the line of people waiting to see the movie. They were quite upset, and no doubt they considered that one of their worst moviegoing