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    "Honky Grandma Be Trippin'" — isn't that basically Big Momma's House?

    Hey, Mike, don't blame this one on dad. He can't defend himself.

    Space is 3D, so could the Neutral Zone be a plane across one dimension? I do seem to recall The Wrath of Khan drawing it as a 3D region in the initial simulator part.

    I don't see the death penalty as just, I think it's basically just vengeance. Morally I'm opposed to that, as I don't think that just societies give into the bloodlust of their citizens. Fundamentally, this issue is debated not on logic but on emotion: what would you feel if your wife/husband/son/daughter was

    Interesting this is coming out now
    As Maryland's Governor, Martin O'Malley, is considering ending the death penalty in his state because of the excessive costs of mandatory appeals and so forth. It's actually being considered in a handful of states right now, including a few unusual suspects, like Kansas and Nebraska,

    Blackadder rocks
    As does the original The Office. And the American version is really good! It is, but while it has proven good at black comedy it has never really equaled the original's dramatic power. As a result the US version is less compelling, which is fine, since sitcoms aren't ordinarily meant to be compelling.

    I don't understand the popularity of The Da Vinci Code. The writing was so bad I had to stop not all that far into the book. I read a plot synopsis and it sounded not too plausible—basically like a version of NATIONAL TREASURE that takes itself seriously. No thanks. The funny thing is that people I know who like the

    I'm actually in the same boat these days. If I want to see something I've seen before…I'll just see something I've seen before. Or read something I've read before. Then I know I won't be disappointed, dammit!

    Breeding…sounds more like INBREEDING to me!

    Fucking awful
    This was one of the worst BSG episodes ever. How dare Saul Tigh sleep with another cylon after his wife's been dead a year! Ellen sure has a right to be upset. And how dare Saul not love Ellen without reservation—if indeed that is the cause of her infertility—when she's sleeping around like a maniac!

    Balance of Terror
    Yes! One of the best TOS episodes. That dialogue between the Romulan commander and Kirk was an oddly powerful one, although they should have found someone other than Spock's dad to play the role.

    Reminds me of Enigma…
    Which was an underrated film, in my opinion.

    The weight gain is a fake
    C'mon people, it's just a publicity stunt, and frankly it's been quite successful. In about two months she'll be back to her normal shape, go on Oprah and coo about the lessons she's learned about body size, and then she will cowrite a book with Valerie Bertinelli.

    @Iron Knee: Shut the fuck up, Karl!

    My experience with Friedkin tracks—pretty much just To Live And Die In L.A.—was pretty good. No dead spots, just Friedkin talking about interesting stuff connected to the movie.

    Nice review
    Looking forward to next week. The Menagerie is a pretty classic episode—one of the few stories I can think of that are improved by a framing device.

    We Own The Night was terrible…
    I don't know who else saw it, but that movie was really, really bad. Every aspect of it yelled "trying too hard" and I found it nearly impossible to have any sympathy for Phoenix's irritating and whiny character. Robert Duvall gave the only passable performance in the movie—watching

    Peter Suderman had a great blog post a while ago about how movies were turning into comics: the same characters and properties, with lots of reboots and remakes. Original stories not so much. Here it is:

    I hate Joaquin Phoenix
    It's been germinating for a while, and it came to a head after watching "We Own The Night" in which he played perhaps the most irritating character in one of the most boring movies ever. It wasn't just boring, it was as though the director was trying to suck all the energy out of the movie to

    Kilmer evidently hasn't learned that only Republican actors get elected to anything, because as conservative actors they're automatically anti-Hollywood. Nothing to do with those Hollywood values at all, like broken marriages and poor family lives. Just think of Fred Thompson or Ronald Reagan.