
It takes a lot of time to complete (30min+), but gives viewers a chance to voice their opinion on various aspects of the show (such as selecting fitting traits for characters, rating relationships between characters and providing feedback on ones favorite episode).

I do love Fringe as well, but The Good Wife certainly deserves its nominations as it is truly grew into "best of" material. Did you actually watch this season?

I went that way dante. Watched The Wire first, then saw Braugher on Men of Certain Age and then read a single episode Homicide review here last autumn. People convinced me in the comments to give Homicide a chance and I was sucked right in - just like with the Wire (well there is a bit of build up in both). The fifth

The Wire? How about The West Wing!
Really like your writing and admire the effort to get more people to give the Good Wife a chance which certainly is among the very best shows currently on air.
That said, don't you think this show has more similarities with another drama behemoth - The West Wing?

Christian Scott - Eraser (HSBC Jazz Festival)
Wow, thanks for that clip there. Don't know much about jazz (limited exposure so far) but that was just wonderful.

Good point on "C". Regarding the scene, I thought it just was pretty obvious in that the crack whore was trying very hard to get cash throughout the entire episode so she could buy drugs again. In the end, where "C" finds her on the bench she finally succeeded. Not necessarily dieing, just high after scoring the money

I like the way things got wrapped up in general, maybe with the exception of the story of Lydia's partner which was weak and seemed superficial (Lydia child molester? can she/can't she still work with her?) and for obvious reasons quite pale in comparison to last week. Overall an excellent episode, but I'd still


Southland > Detroit 187 > Chicago Code > Blue Bloods

Aw, you got my hopes up :/ "We are sorry, but this video is not available in your region due to rights restriction."

They did include a short clip in the finale montage acknowledging their past. I think that was a nod.

Quotes & Thoughts
"People love the show. That's because the stories - they know. They know what will happen. But they love seeing that and remembering it in their own lives, because they know those guys. They grew up with them."
Brad Leland ("Buddy Garrity")

Well said. I just checked my rating history for this season and to my own surprise the weakest was a B+. While Terriers was by far the most enjoyable television show on air for me, I really have to hand it to The Good Wife for building such a strong world with the help of its growing cast of excellent recurring

The Unit was a good show in the B to C range. The Shield was A to B and accomplished the rare feat to orchestrate a satisfying ending to an over-looming story arc spanning multiple season.

The Darth Vader kid was my favorite super bowl commercial. Tip my hat to the Detroit one as well though.

I love me some Terriers!

Seven Swans
Thanks for the great song recommendation =)

Poor Todd. Hope the wife will keep him company to make sure he stays sane(outside of his TV addiction - wait maybe thats why, what better way to stop enjoying tv…).

You could jump in, but you will have a lot more fun starting at season 1. If that is no option, alternatively just read some of the season 1 AVC reviews to get up to date.

Anyway, I liked the premise of Blue Bloods (except for the secret society conspiracy) but it did not gain any momentum. Far to interchangeable sadly, the world isn't fleshed out as much as I would like. Why they are filming this in New York City when they only make limited use of it is beyond me. If you compare this