
Because his fly is open, as the previous thought states.

Ironically, that metaphor was an analogy.

Don't…. don't do that. Please don't do that.

My name isn't Hobbes as I screamed in anguish watching this episode until I wanted to weep.

Grease 2 (but like with Gatsby)

Jay Gatsby: European Gigolo

For A Few Gatsbys* More

Gatsby 2: Beyond West Egg

Gatsby 2: Electric Boogaloo.

Clearly you haven't been watching 'Hollywood Stars and Celebrities: What do they know? Do they know things? Let’s find out!'

Smiley face with blood on it.

As someone who trained in sound design, I have to ask: were the people using those Shures as hammers incredible stupid, or just bad at their jobs? You don't treat sound equipment that way, no matter what the manufacture says. The casing may be rock hard but the diaphram super as hell isn't made from titanium, it's

He did just compare Rose to Zeppo - who was, to be fair, a brilliant engineer and comedic actor. He is certainly funnier than Shemp (That letter scene in Animals Cracker always cracks me up; Groucho rambles his dictation for five minutes and then Zeppo admits that he ignored everything Groucho just said because he

You been on Tumblr lately? We basically have that now.

Was that even in question? I'd think the line "I am made of love" sung over and over and over again was pretty definitive on the whole Ruby/Sapphire relationship question.

Shattered gems aren't exclusive to the kindergarten; they're just dead gems. I imagine there are bits of them buried on every battlefield.

When Peridot rises from the ground she explicitly mentions her fusion experiments so yes, it's Peridot's doing.

You could cut a third of Two Towers easily and have a much better film (any and all elf action at Helm's Deep come to mind) - and then you cut all the Frodo and Sam scenes and have an excellent film!

*Motorcycle Crash*

Can't it just be, I don't know, voiced by people who maybe sound even a little french?