
"As with the deliberately vague period setting, the film’s colorblind casting seems meant to place it outside of actual history." You are aware that there were black people in Medieval Europe, right? Black peasants, and black knights, and black merchants, and black emperors? Black characters, too? Manuel I Komnenos?

Dignity is a precious resource that we can no longer afford to squander like we did in the halcyon days of the 90s. Were we naive then? Perhaps. But we were happy.

It was the Prime Minister's Question Period, actually; a childhood favorite.

The damned, obviously.

Don't forget Good Burger.

Groucho Marx, surely.

Damnit, i did that further up in the post already!

Call him a Nazi, he never did frown: 'Ah, Nazi schmazi," said Wehner von Braun.

What a… mess of a song. Incredibly distracting background vocals (somebody keeps yelling about something), irritating children's choir, meandering lyrics, a good chorus that never materializes… ugh.

Hola. Just use Hola.

I took it for… reasons.

I make this point all the time - aliens and refrigerator bunkers are no less rediculous then avoiding the destructive force of the all-mighty god by closing your eyes. Are you telling me that none of the screaming Nazis dived behind a box, closed their eyes, and whimpered? Because that's sure as hell what I would have

I thought you were holding up "Kingdom of Heaven!" as the prequel to Alien.

Not to be 'that guy,' but it raises the question, it doesn't beg it.

Thor Lok sounds like a wistful indie film about a quirky, lonely seventeen year old kid who wishes he had been alive (or at least less young) during the golden age of screamo. He spends the film saying quirky, wistful, yet insightful things, mooning over posters of Jordan Blilie, and trying to make it with the


I feel like someone should be reciting a Robert Frost poem. "Something there is… that is not a crummy monster movie."

The Optima way to complain about Helvetica is to shut up. People think I have Aniron in this fire, but Contra to popular practice, I don't believe anyone centred on typography can be justified in complaining about it. They might think they're being bold, but I say it's a Symbol of a black heart. It underlines the

I can not believe this got a A. That was the least interesting, dull episode of Doctor Who in years. It didn't piss me off like last week's, but there was nothing to it. It was tensionless, with flat characters and a banal villain whose only threat was that he was going to do something anyone else on the ship could

"Irving BErlin." *thunk*