The Bostoner

Try your local library for some of that weird old stuff, at least if you live in a major metropolitan area.  With Amazon Prime's student discount and the Boston Public Library I've kicked my Netflix habit and my wallet is much happier.  I do miss recommendations, but that's about it.

I luvs me some Zooey, but Justin as anyone other than Dr. Lexus makes my skin crawl. 

No love for Craig Ferguson?!?!
While brilliant a few decades ago Letterman is painful to sit through most nights now.

You know what this movie is missing?

That Soundgarden cover is missing the other two wolves and the moon…

I was blissfully secure in Time Bandits being the last little bit of my twisted, wonderful, weird childhood that would never be molested since it was relatively odd and forgotten… I mourn this turn of events, and not solely because it and Red Dwarf have

This did feel edited down to fit a given time slot, which was a shame. I could have done with another hour at least, this was fascinating and I wanted more about the survivors' experiences after rescue as well as the current scientific significance of the data collected. AE does longer shows pretty regularly about

I love Tracy, he and Charlie Sheen should do a buddy cop movie.
This headline is even more hilarious than the those from when his home shark tank leaked and caused a fire.
"The fish are okay," says the 30 Rock star."

I agree with Mr/Ms. Sucks. Ms. Palmer irritates the fuck out of me. She's got talent, but the attention-whore behavior overwhelms it for me.

Now we see the violence inherent in the system!

Hells yeah! Lovitz needs the work.

What Tuck said, but NO COMEDY PLEASE.

Fuck that, bring back Rob Lowe and Snow White.

Oh Ms. Krauss, how I love thee.

It's a bra AND a gas-mask!

…Dude, 'Chinaman' is not the preferred nomenclature…