The Bostoner

*grabs crotch*

AV Club's got my vote for a weekly column, this was great.

Sam's is just OK at best, but at worst it's disgusting. It's really just a tourist beer. "Oooooh we're in Boston, gotta drink the Sam's!" Sad. There are some great brew pubs in town, why not seek them out? Hell even touristy John Harvard's and Boston Beerworks' brews are better than Sam's.

Hippasus is right on re: the Yard and about driving/parking in Boston. Boston signage basically is the city saying "if you don't know where you are then fuck you, tourist." BUR did a special a long time ago about how the evacuation route signs adhere to the same logic so in an emergency we'd all end up lost in

Gotta disagree with you Sir. We got "fucking magnets, how do they work?" from ICP. So they've spread much joy throughout the world.

*something clever about Oprah still being fat at the end of the series*

SOOOOOOO disappointed that this was not "THE" Rock.
He'd look dreamy with a 'stache…
Also Czar is a totally legit wrestling name.
*cries for what could have been*

I'd have seen this if it were starring The Rock (notice lack of quotation marks), but with this Dwayne Johnson guy? No way.

Don't dis all NPR humor! I'll admit Prairie Home Companion is pretty painful, but Wait Wait Don't Tell Me is awesome.


I like the to visit the city, but New Yorkers suck, especially when they're away from home.
Then again maybe I just think that because I live in Boston and I've dated New Yorkers.

Sadly, I kinda doubt any of them has a solid investment strategy beyond buying more self-tanner so we'll be seeing them again on reality TV for a long time after Jersey Shore dies. Probably mostly rehab-based shows, though I could see Snooki ending up on a weight-loss one.

I think Rage Against the Machine may be working on a song about him though.

Nana? Is that you?

so you'd rather Justin Bieber than Taylor Swift?

I know a few grown-ups that could use Garanimals…

Before all you twitchy young whippersnappers came along, I first got hooked on computer games with text-based ones. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy on an Apple IIe is all I remember of a particular summer…

RDA without the mullet is like Oates without the 'stache; strangely powerless and emasculated…

And Airwolf sucked.