
For a lot of people gender isn't defined by a person's genitals, so men can have vaginas, women can have penises, and people with either can identify as gender-neutral or a-gender or gender-queer. It seems complicated at first but really it's not; all that's required to respect a person's gender identity is to use the

Exploring his nascent kinks with his dad's hot employee may be this 18 year old's wet dream, but it's bad news. It's best to make a "don't fuck high schoolers unless you are also in high school" rule, whatever the situation may be.

And now I will spend the rest of my life hoping for the same thing.

Like others have said, probably because circumcised penises are more common in the US. Personally, I prefer uncut dudes because it's almost… easier in a way— the foreskin does help with insertion and lubrication and that can be important. Cleanliness can be a concern but that's up to the penis-owner to take care of.

You really should. It's a pretty quick read and there are so many clever, interesting stories that you'll probably end up recommending it to all your friends, as I did.

I'm thinking that also "At the Bottom of Everything" is a solid choice.

For some reason I got the sense that it was Russel, but who knows. I'm sure the writers will spend the rest of the season needlessly dragging out the story either way.

For some reason I got the sense that it was Russel, but who knows. I'm sure the writers will spend the rest of the season needlessly dragging out the story either way.

Seriously, wouldn't the vampire be stronger than the human anyway? And then if they did use the human to carry Russel, why didn't they also use him to feed Russel? 
I guess I should stop expecting TB to make sense.

Seriously, wouldn't the vampire be stronger than the human anyway? And then if they did use the human to carry Russel, why didn't they also use him to feed Russel? 
I guess I should stop expecting TB to make sense.

@avclub-df354df0cd7da4b502560a84162b333d:disqus oh yeah, I'll be watching it too. it provides a perspective that shows just how good Vampire Diaries is in comparison

I second that recommendation!

I second that recommendation!

that got real dark real fast

that got real dark real fast

That's what a spoon is for!

That's what a spoon is for!

I'm pretty sure it's not Netflix Watch Instantly, if you have it.

Exactly. At least the vampires/werewolves have some rules and restrictions, with Bonnie it seems like the writers make shit up as they go along.

I read it in high school after writing a paper about Tennessee Williams and his influences, of which Karamazov was a very big one. I'm so glad I did, because I had never read a book like it before and it sent me on a great Russian lit bender that I only emerged from 3 years later, to read Infinte Jest. Books about