
As @avclub-f8665a36d5a911922da81a12443887ed:disqus said, I don't think Megan is ever really seen without Don because she is completely defined by him. She doesn't stand as her own person, really, but only in relation to her husband. She was introduced pretty quickly last season and we never got much back story on her

I loved it. I definitely thought of it as more of a "those three are kind of a cohesive unit but Peggy always stands alone" or something over-analytical like that. I don't think the shot was just to look pretty, however fleeting it was; it definitely had a point.

I totally saw his dick. And paused and rewinded to see it again. But then again I'm a straight lady so

The current season is excellent. The first season takes a couple episodes to get its legs but it's fantastic. This show was such a pleasant surprise. I started watching it when it first aired and have rewatched the first two seasons a couple of times.

The very occasional brief dick shot. You'd have to be paying close attention, though.

I also noticed that Travis was driving around in what I assume was his own car. Do cops not keep an eye out for things like that?