Grinning Fusilier

George Clooney and Brad Pitt.

"God Almighty, you are just fucking terrible. Awful, really."  Can't wait to use this at the next peer review we have.

If they'll have him chain Carmen Diaz and Drew Barrymore to Lucy Liu…and then set the cabin on fire and then blow it up…man, I'd watch the shit out of that.

I'll never forget how sumptuously eclectic the selection was when there was only one Borders here.  Then they massively expanded, and the feel went from eclectic to corporate.  It seemed like every time the store reorganized, the poetry section got smaller and smaller. And the staff got more and more upbeat and less

I vote for Tango and Bash.  Kind of like the two chicks on Pizzoli and Pez.  But not enough to watch the show.

She was cafe au lait fine in Menace II Society.

"When we saw her dorsal fin, we'd all start hollerin' and bangin' and yellin' and clappin'…sometimes the Jada Pinkett Smith would go away,..sometimes the Jada Pinkett Smith wouldn't go away…"

Oh, bullshit.  As tired as your balls are, there's no way you could achieve that kind of trajectory.

When will the critics start hating Madonna?

The Autobots won't let that happen.

…but they make such kick-ass infantry weapons, tanks, and artillery pieces.  And helicopter gunships.

My knowledge of Chrisianity is derived solely from the contents of Jack Chick gospel tracts.  Apparently, everyone of us is going to hell.

What about alien werewolf robot zombies?   Who tear Heidi and Spencer limb from limb?

No wonder your post is so coherent. 

That's because they were allowed to film on the same soundstage where the original fake moon landings were shot to convince everyone that the money was being spent on going to the moon instead of the war in Vietnam.  And coke and hookers.

Hey, you know what's sho'nuff for reals?

So were you [a] arguing for or against and [b] did you win?

I'd be even more shocked [but in a positive, life-affirming way] if they found Megan Fox' dessicated corpse inside the abandoned Russian thingy.  Hmmm…maybe there's enough room for Heidi and Spencer too.

Thanks heaps, Yawndoggie.  I thought I might be the only one who felt it looked just a tad "Stalinesque."

"One" is the singular subject of the sentence, and is in full agreement with "is," the singular of "to be."  "Children" is NOT the subject of the sentence.