Grinning Fusilier

So, you can tell me what's propping up Two and a Half Men?

So, you can tell me what's propping up Two and a Half Men?

But you still look fantastic.

But you still look fantastic.

Wait for this book to be remaindered.  And then wait for it to be pulped. Or don't buy it for anyone else except that chick in your office that everyone hates.

Wait for this book to be remaindered.  And then wait for it to be pulped. Or don't buy it for anyone else except that chick in your office that everyone hates.

So she's a cat hater too?

So she's a cat hater too?

Nice avatar, FMJ.  How'd you get that past the prudes at AVC?

Nice avatar, FMJ.  How'd you get that past the prudes at AVC?

Don't you mean the sparkling wine replacment beverage from the QT?

Don't you mean the sparkling wine replacment beverage from the QT?

As long as the Ground Zero Mosque gets blown up, they can call it anything they want.

As long as the Ground Zero Mosque gets blown up, they can call it anything they want.

Shit.  One of our most pugnacious and vituperative voices forever now among the undeceived.   

Shit.  One of our most pugnacious and vituperative voices forever now among the undeceived.   

Any zombie clients yet?

"Or so I've heard."  Oh come on, Ms. Raisler…you're not in any danger of being judged by anyone who posts here regularly.  And besides, who wants to hook all day and then come home to some shlub of a husband whining about dinner not being ready and the dwindling occurrence of blow jobs? 

I'm going to use it as a new figure of speech:  "You're about as much use as tits on a skateboard!"

I hope that "providing an overview" = "filling out the toe tag"  in regards to Shitney.