Ben Grimms Rock Hard Nipples

What the fuck is a cunt rag, and where can I get one?

We all need to feel in control, at least to some extent. Why do you think we're all on this site, posting our opinions anonymously?

Delicious again Peter

Crystal ain't got no problem with girl-girl

He's no Charlie Rich, but…
GG Allin wrote some snappy country tunes while he was alive. Can we get an installment for him?

I, uh, cried when the Ewoks started dancing?

"Disagree with an AVClub review?" -ZAP

"Keep smokin' those joints!!!!"

That would be awesome if we could take turns inhabiting some of those gimmick poster IDs. Wasn't there a Denzel movie a few years back that dealt with a dead serial killer who could pass from body to body?

When all is said and done
You have to give it up for a show that elicits the reactions, be they positive or negative, that Lost did in its six seasons.

Nail on the head. Nicely put.

I'd like Ape Froman to weigh in on this. Is he around?

Nobody's complained yet is all I'm sayin'.

aka Neverland Ranch

Fail better soon

After Paycheck
Week 41: Charlie Rich, The Country Jazzhead

The Houston Chronicle online edition is reporting
that Dio rules. RIP.

"I have a pretty healthy relationship with alcohol"
Me too! Me too!

I believe they call him The Streak

I love this site