Ben Grimms Rock Hard Nipples


Another one bites the dust

Hopefully that lame-ass Public First

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Likewise. Yeesh…

I'm semi-ashamed to admit I've seen most episodes of Cougar Town. Certainly not the funniest show, but the characters (particularly the men) remind me of the good-natured rednecks I grew up with in beautiful Seabrook, TX

Pretty sure the National are playing Austin (ACL Fest) this year. Not my ideal venue, but I may have to plunk down the $, as I swore a blood oath to catch them next time they hit town.

Nobody's perfect.

Oh fuck off
Like any of you could do better with a camera in your face.

I had forgotten about that! Good work indeed.

I'd like to see them smoke out and fight Tiny Lister

And by "that", I mean your post and the actual segmenting of Andy Rooney


This is a pointless argument, but I'd throw Westerberg in there somewhere.


We're not really going to make him lonesome when we go?

The Amazing Johnathan never said organized religion was bullshit, so I'm reserving judgement.

Check, please

One could argue that the In Memoriam section of the Oscars could make for a fine stand-alone show every year, especially now that Barbara Walters has stopped making her shitty specials.

I'm upgrading myself to "douchnozzle".