Ben Grimms Rock Hard Nipples

In Soviet Russia, pants shit you

Well there is a jungle on some land, plus a bit of racing in the street.

I was thinking the same thing! A rare early morning laugh…

Rufus is a tit man, but Mr. Cent isn't? Color me skeptical.

I went home with the waitress/
The way I always do

"I am not an animal" - John Merrick


Hulk is a pussy.

Can anyone verify whether Gibby Haynes ever actually spit in Lydon's face? An old friend insisted this to be true.

Correct. Worth exactly half a fuck.

Yeast infection. That should jog your memory.

I've lately been enjoying a Scottish red called Kiltlifter, brewed by Pike.

Sad news indeed.
I'm gonna dig up some of my old comics. For some reason I equate his name with one of the JLA anniversary issues, but that could be my geriatric brain at work again.


Uh, "it's clobberin' time"?

Texas wants to know if it hurt when your dick broke off in that one guy's ass. Was it an ambulance situation, or did you tough it out at home?


I hope you had The Replacements' Let It Be on there, if only for 'Sixteen Blue'.

Listen to A Momentary Lapse, then listen to a Gilmour solo album. Virtually the same.

Met him once…
…at the Saxon Pub in Austin. He was recording a live album (allegedly), and entertaining the shit out of 100+ people. During an intermission, he sat at a table and signed copies of his books and American flags ("To so-and-so, a Great American", etc).