Ben Grimms Rock Hard Nipples

Or Dr. Teeth

I'm pretty sure Train in Vain was a hidden track on London Calling.

Proud to call him my brother
Orange like me

I'm going to plead "posting whilst baked" and ask for the internet court's mercy.

Octopi are known for their whimsical and lively sense of humour. One more reason for Hollywood to keep churning out movies featuring Smurfs and Chipmonks.

Apes aren't omnivores. They are herbivores. True, chimps eat small mammals occasionally, but they aren't apes.

Beach Blanket Bong Out

Great singer. Cool guy.
And might I add that this is the most snark-free comments section I've ever read on this site. With damn good reason.

It's a regular Rotary Club meeting up in this bitch today

rock hard

Now you have fucked up, Mycroft

Toby Keith sits down to pee

C'mon dad, you're embarrassin' me here.

You've been waiting for this like I was waiting for the "Is the Thing's Dick Really Made of Rock" article a few weeks back.


Someone just flashed forward 11 months

I'm the best you got for now. Sorry.

"And I didn't even have to use my AK!"

What was Princess Leia like in the sack? I'm guessing she was a bit of a talker.

I read that as "bludgeoning MILFs".