Ben Grimms Rock Hard Nipples

My parents took me to see TBNB when it was originally released, and to this day I will stop to watch it anytime it's on the teevee.

I think Saint Mary refers to his recovery from an earlier attempt

It is indeed a beautiful version (and now even more poignant, given the circumstances).

Rutherford B. Hayes Attacks!

It would have been cooler if you had just admitted it.

Mantan and the Harvard Professor are the same person. Pass it on.

I usually stick to plain old transients. Hobos are harder to kill, especially if they are wearing clown frowns.

The only thing missing was a crudely drawn pictograph of Calvin pissing on it

I heard Polanski passed on directing it

You have a good point, and I'd like to publicly distance myself from my inital comment, particularly the gratuitous f-bomb usage. I was overly-caffienated yesterday.

It is most def not Kerbey Lane.

Yeah, I know you're probably right. It just irritates me that Rich seems to have been lost in the shuffle, and not just by NoB.

Are you fucking kidding? Toby Keith?
What do I need to do? Reanimate Charlie Rich's corpse and drop him off at the AV Club HQ?

See also: law enforcement


Heh. "Celebrity Masturbators".

I keep reading that as fuckakke

Cancer or AIDS?

She'll always be the Runaway Bridle to me

This hit's mine, and I'm donating my usual fee to Haiti.