Ben Grimms Rock Hard Nipples

I fuck you in the ass next Wednesday instead.

Belinda Carlisle hasn't been this mad since she was mad about you.

Another fine job Nathan
And I'm really looking forward to the Charlie Rich installment!

It wasn't Will Sasso. He only does blow off the asses of Playgirl models.

Did you catch the "press conference" that TW did for the glitter n doom tour? Highly entertaining. I'll have to check YouTube for it.


That lame ass joke is the gift that keeps on giving.

My brother has been teaching in Korea for several years. The real money comes from private tutoring on the side. The Koreans are nuts for education and push their kids crazy hard to succeed. Not surprisingly, the suicide rate is apparently sky high.

I love the girl holding the globe who runs by and says "eat it, ya stinkin' pig!"

Seeing issue 1 of Dazzler just gave me a wicked flashback.

The rugged guy sounds just like the crocs in Pearls Before Swine.

Jazz Samba
Whatever I'm listening to on the job will usually depend on the specific task at hand. Stan Getz and Charlie Byrd's Jazz Samba is good for poring over Excel spreadsheets. The National's Boxer works well for mundane administrative tasks.

Eagles fans don't ride in cabs silly. We ride horses in the desert while tripping on peyote.

That Dukakis line made me laugh.

"Try and Love Again" is an overlooked gem from Hotel California.

CMA Male Vocalist of the Year - 1973
CMA Album of the Year 1974 - "Behind Closed Doors"

Gotta give it to the Pogues "Fairytale of New York" for Best Non-Sentimental Christmas Song. The Kinks "Father Christmas" is a very close second.

A kid covered head to toe in dirt who doesn't have enough scratch to buy some shoes? Mall security would have been all over that shit.

I'd still rather see the Kinks, but I understand why the Who make for a better halftime choice.

The kids, as it turns out, are not all right after all