
I think you meant to say Drew Barry and Timmy Oly

It's a shame, really. I mean, Supergirl, Luke Cage and The Great British Baking Show were in multiple ballots and the brilliant PoI wasn't? Come on AV Club.

You certainly seem like you've educated yourself.

I don't know if I love the XIII series, but I certainly didn't hate it. The second installment was very exciting, especially with catching monsters, up until the end, when the whole time travelling thing cought up with it. Also, the main antagonist is one of my favorites in the entire series.
I'm not a gamer, I

I also have never rewatched The Wire. I do have it on Blu Ray here and I bought the series after I already watched it, so the intent is clearly there. But I feel Wanserski. It's not the show, which I, too, deem the best thing to ever happen on television. It's me, not being able to handle that kind of sadness right

you might actually have luck looking on Amazon. Sometimes these smaller breweries ship themselves, though I don't know if internationally.

Oh also, the Schneider Bräuhaus has excellent browned Leberkäs

Well, but Frühschoppen is not something that happens a lot. Maybe once or twice a year on a sunday.
I think people should be allowed to drink beer whenever.
A few centuries ago, people in Bavaria actually, by law, had the right to drink 2,5 liters of beer a day, since beer was much cleaner than water.

Yes! Just drink your Weizen happily!

I'm from NRW and our Frühschoppen usually just consists of the drinking part. But that one I like a lot!

Ah, finally something I can weigh in as a German native living in Germany.

That is truly exciting news and I hope we won't e disappointed.
One of the greatest performers of our generation both in stand-up as well as in sketch comedy.
Since Chappelle started doing stand-up again, I yearned for a new special, since I live in Germany and have no other means to see the man perform.
This'll be at

And rightfully so, friend. Though Ben Schwartz would indeed be awesome. He would also be awesome as a demon.
But I don't think they are going to pile on guest starring stints from P&R actors.

Do you know something we don't?

I'll forever 'ship Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone. I think I'd even ship them harder than Emma Stone and myself. Or Ryan Gosling and myself. Doesn't matter who (yes! Arrested Development quota fulfilled)

Don't live in LA, Milan or Paris. You'll do fine.

how very 2015 of you.

I take it you're rather new to the party.

When I first heard of it, I was wondering if maybe "Kevin Can Wait" may be the odd James vehicle that is actually not bad but rather….good?
This is the first time I read about Kevin Can Wait since before the pilot and I take things haven't turned out as well.

You know, there's a saying. "Fool me once, it's on you, fool me twice, it's on me". Or something like that. So when the show first sold me on Shaw actually being shot, I was kinda like "hey show, what the fuck?". So now that I'm reviewing the entire series, knowing full well what lies ahead, the show actually sold me