
Do it now. I know there's like a mental barrier one has to push through to see The Wire. But you have to and you have to as soon as possible or else you'll put it off indefinitely.

But it's still one of the most heartbreaking character arcs I can think of.

Do they really? Season 2 is my second-favorite season. Thematically and visually, it's a departure from S1 and S3-5, but I always loved it. My ranking would go 4-2-3-1-5. Not meant as a slight towards S5, which is still amazing. They all are.

Alison Brie has also been getting lots of movie work the last few years. I'm glad for her, I always liked her energy. She definitely is committed to doing any kind of comedy asked of her, which is not something a lot of actors with her looks seem to be willing to do.

It is and it's a quite funny movie, but what sets it apart is definitely not the comedy.

In case anyone wondered where PoI went from "surprisingly respectable" to "Top 10 TV Show", this is the episode. Absolutely perfectly crafted. While Dead Reckoning - the best narrative PoI episode up to this point - was very good, it more or less capped off the CIA-arc. Relevance is a new beginning of sorts. a

I'd be on board if Howard was narrating.
"Chewie had gone to far and he had best watch his mouth."

I liked Westworld quite a bit, but the soundtrack leaned a little too heavily on Radiohead songs. It's not that they don't fit well, OK Computer is an absolutely stunning piece of art which I've probably listened to about a 100 times.
It's just a little unoriginal to just burn through one album and add a couple

Then you can have it both ways!

If you ever want to have a Kölsch, do yourself a favor and have an Alt.

That's what I was thinking, too and it's the reason why I still prefer the weekly broadcast for comedies such as this.
I watched it in 3 days and asked myself "was it as good as the seasons before?" and my answer to myself was "I don't know, I already forgot 70% of what happened"

Likely. She would only have been impressed had it been Night Cheese-, Hot Dog- or Cheesy Blaster-flavored

No, he raped Joan on Mad men!

He'll appear a few more times and I really like him in here. He is like a straight guy with a little bit of a kick/personality. I'm fairly certain he'll appear in the next season.

I'm not going to say whether or not or to what grad it'll be resolved, but I'll say that Maya Rudolph is great as Dionne Warwick.

I agree and I think it's kinda sad. Now that we've all had lots of time to spend with the emergence of Netflix-binge formatting, I kinda miss the original year long formats. Because a show is actually present with you for the better part of a year, while these Netflix-style formats stay with you for 3-4 days while

Even though the season sometimes has a few issues narratively/thematically, I'm one of those people who primarily watches comedies for the comedy. And UKS is off the charts this season. Jon Hamm, Daveed Diggs, LAURA DERN. And I want Titus Burgess in my life.

The moments with the seagull were heavily reminiscent of Tracy Jordan conversing with a pigeon. "Stop eating people's old french fries, have some self respect! Don't you know you can fly?"

It's too close to Purple Haze in my opinion. But I still like the solo and absolutely love playing it.
But Frusciante is/was a very good guitarist and soloist. Very melodic and nuanced.
Musically, I always kinda liked the Frusciante era Peppers. If it weren't for that deranged frontman and his formerly drug infused

Just is an extraordinary song. To this day, I don't think Radiohead really understand why people like The Bends that much.
Maybe it's not a genre-bending album or an album that truly transform one's perception of what music constitues (like Kid A, OK Computer), but within that post-grungy/alternative rock genre the