
It also keeps up the pants by sirsumven….kirkumventi…you know, the ol' reach around.

Although it was exhausting to get through all of the expositional dialogue (essentially the entire episode), I'm glad AoS has gotten such a relatively high profile character AND introduced him in a compelling way.
AoS has always been treated as a player on an NBA D-League franchise. You know, technically, there is the

I just want to say that, while I both love Jane The Virgin and this episode, the supposed German yodeler (not her entourage) was beyond horrible. I'm a German native speaker and it's not that I expect perfect, accent-free German from any actors/actresses playing such a role, on the contrary. I often find the very

I feel similarly as I (a European social democrat) found myself thinking recently how Mitt Romney at least "seemed like a reasonable guy".

Well, you certainly have a point, but this already seems to high-profile in its machinations.
You have a huge sitcom star in Ted Danson, a cult-favorite and very successful/popular actress in Kristen Bell, who may as well be appearing in big Hollywood movie productions and you have Michael Schur who has worked at NBC

I'm certain it's going to come up again at one point or another.

This is a TV show, though. Yes, it might seem a bit artificial, but if you want to fill up at least a full season with world-building and its implications, you need to pace yourself and stretch it out over a longer period of time. I'm sure the moral imperfections of the system will be a frequent theme throughout the

Tim Riggins did it and he always had his heart in the right spot!

Bad bad or Michael Jackson Bad?
And that, people, is how you change topics between two deceased musicians from the 80's

4) bringing back Coach post-HE

neither am I, friend, neither am I

Regarding the Crayfish I kindly refer to Parks and Rec's Chris Trager:
"What are you gonna have? I'm thinking something raw and cucumber-based….a cucumber!"

Thurman Merman from Bad Santa
Al Swearengen has such a nice ring to it
Zapp Brannigan already sounds like an idiot
Xanthippe Lannister-Vorhees is also a classic Fey name
Snotboogie from The Wire's first scene

same here. I can't take another food-themed cover rock band

It's nice to see that these kids are actually still behaving as such, even though they already made more money than I will in the next 30 years or so.

and hot!

To be fair, he covered both sides fairly well. A lot of the "Wall of Sound" stuff, such as Born To Run with its many, many layers, overdubs and tracks. His earlier works like Greetings from Asbury Park or E-Street Shuffle weren't exactly minimalistic either.
But then there's also great stuff like Nebraska.

"The Hip’s sound—which mixes rugged, bluesy rock ’n’ roll with sentimental ballads—has the same rough-hewn, heart-on-sleeve folksiness as The Boss, though the lyrics are more opaque and the instrumentation less bombastic."

Neither did they know that nor did I mention Stranger Things being a hit show before they actually produced it. However, as I understand it, Netflix bought/ordered the show before they produced anything, including casting. Sure, there is always a level of uncertainty in production, but the singular thing about Netflix

Sorry for being so late to the party. I predict Michael is going to survive but of course he will be in a coma. And then his heart won't be able to take the physical stress that is the act of intercourse for a period amounting to about one season of television.